occupational therapy | 511 Contra Costa

CarFit Event for Pleasant Hill Seniors – Saturday, May 2, 2015

Older drivers are often the safest drivers, since they are more likely to wear their seatbelts and less likely to speed or drink and drive. However, older drivers are more likely to be killed or seriously hurt when a crash does occur due to their greater susceptibility to injury.
CarFit is an educational program offering older adults the opportunity to check how well their personal vehicles “fit” them. A trained team, including occupational therapy practitioners, will assist older drivers in assuring they leave with:
 • A clear line of sight over the steering wheel 
 • Adequate space between the front airbag/steering wheel and the driver’s breastbone
 • Properly adjusted head restraints and proper positioning on the gas & brake pedals 
 • Proper seat belt fit and instruction on proper use
 • Safe positioning of mirrors to minimize blind spots

Screen Shot 2015-03-17 at 3.49.27 PMThe Pleasant Hill Commission on Aging will host a CarFit event for Pleasant Hill Seniors on Saturday, May 2, from 10am-1:00pm, consisting of a series of personal appointments. The 20-minute appointment not only provides an opportunity to open a positive conversation about driver-to-vehicle fit, but it also provides specific community resources to help older drivers stay healthy and continue to drive for as long as safely possible.

To register for an appointment, please call Danielle Habr from the City of Pleasant Hill at (925) 671-5221 by April 29. Appointments will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information about this program, please visit car-fit.org.

Pleasant Hill CarFit Event
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
555 Boyd Road
Saturday, May 2, 10am-1pm