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FutureBART: The Game Where You Control the Destiny of BART (2014)

BART is in the process of planning for the next 40 years of service and they need your input. Rather than ask you to take a survey, they’ve created a game to solicit your feedback. Introducing FutureBART – the game where you’re the BART planner.
In FutureBART, you choose the types of projects BART will pursue, selecting from three categories: Fix and Modernize BART, More Train and Station Capacity, and New Lines & Extensions. All the choices offered are actual projects BART is considering (e.g. a second Transbay Tube, fixing the backlog of repairs in the BART system).
Since projects can’t go ahead without funding, you also have to decide where the money will come from (e.g. bond measure, regional gas tax, higher bridge tolls). If you exceed your budget the game will tell you, leaving you to choose whether to add funding or select a different combination of projects.
The impact of your choices is displayed in a section called ‘Your Overall Benefits’, showing expected improvements in categories like Regional Economy, System Reliability, and Improved Cost-effectiveness. Want to see how a different combination of projects and funding would work? Just update your choices and you’ll see the changes to your ‘report card’ in real time.
The game takes less than 10 minutes to play and the feedback received will be used to develop the BART Vision Plan, which will help guide the BART Board of Directors and staff when making decisions about the future of BART.
To play the game, visit