Bus Transit | 511 Contra Costa

Bus Transit

Taking the bus to work helps reduce emissions and traffic congestion. It also allows you to relax, read, or even nap during your commute.

Plan Your Trip

The 511 Contra Costa Transit Map shows the service areas of the 14 transit agencies that serve Contra Costa County. Find all agencies that serve a specific location or look up the service area for a particular transit agency.

Paying Your Fare with Clipper

All Contra Costa transit agencies support fare payment using Clipper. You can load money on either a physical Clipper card or via the Clipper app on your phone (no card needed)!

Plus, when you pay with Clipper on County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT or Wheels, your fares are automatically capped at a day rate of $3.75, which means all trips and transfers after your second ride of the day are free! Read more about fare capping

Incentives & Offers


Big Win on Transit

Ride BART, bus, or the ferry and you could win $511.  Drawings every week – the more you ride, the better your chances of winning. Ride on Spare the Air Days for added entries or fun prizes.

Try Transit

Pledge to try transit instead of driving alone to and/or from work and we’ll give you a free, pre-loaded $25 Clipper card.

Take 10 Transit Pass Offers

Riding transit is already cost-effective, but you can save even more money with our Take 10 free transit pass offers.

Guaranteed Ride Home

A free “insurance policy” against being stuck without a way to get home. Our Guaranteed Ride Home program reimburses you for a ride home during unexpected emergencies like a personal illness, sick child, or missing your carpool. 

Commute Coach

If you’re curious how commuting by bus might save you time or money, ask a 511CC Commute Coach. Give us the basic information about your commute and one of our transportation experts will contact you with customized commute options and information on available incentives. Best of all, the service is completely free.

Bikes on Transit

All AC Transit, County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, and WestCAT buses have front-mounted bike racks which accommodate at least two bicycles. Additionally, all buses serving Contra Costa provide some way of transporting your bike on board. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. For additional information on traveling with your bike on a specific transit agency, click the appropriate link below.

Pass2Class: Free Bus Passes for Students

511 Contra Costa’s Pass2Class program encourages middle and high school students to use public transit to get to and from school via AC TransitCounty ConnectionTri Delta Transit, or WestCAT. Families can apply to receive free transit passes to start each school year.

Free Transit Services

Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill offer some free transit routes and shuttles. Check out our list of free transit routes in Contra Costa County.

On-Demand Transportation Services

Flexible, on-demand public transportation is available in several areas of Contra Costa County. Options include neighborhood shuttle service, discounted trips on Uber and Lyft, and dial-a-ride service for seniors. See our full list of on-demand transportation services.


Paratransit is an on-call system for anyone with a disability who can’t comfortably use fixed route services. Use our guide to using paratransit in Contra Costa County.

Why make the switch?

10:1 Pollution: What is 10:1? A solo driver uses more energy and creates more air pollution in just four years than a transit passenger would in 40 years.

Bus Transit News