For the second time, Brentwood has received the League of American Bicyclists bronze distinction on its “Bicycle Friendly Communities” list. Brentwood was first placed on the list in 2006 by the national biking advocacy group.
This year, Brentwood was one of eight communities to successfully renew its distinction.
From the Contra Costa Times:
The league conferred the award on Brentwood this time based on the number of bike lanes and trails it has, one of the five categories in which contenders were judged.
Not only does the East Bay Regional Park District maintain 13 miles of off-road bike trails in the city, but about 75 percent of Brentwood’s nonresidential streets have bike lanes, said city traffic engineer Steve Kersevan.
The next set of Bicycle Friendly America application deadlines fall in January-February of 2011. If you think your community could benefit by reading about what others have done to receive their platinum, gold, silver and broze awards from the League of American Bicyclists, please share with them the following resources:
- Download the 2010 League of American Bicyclists Bicycle Friendly America 2010 Yearbook (Brentwood is on p. 36 of the PDF, or p. 34 of the yearbook).
- Visit the League of American Bicyclists website
- Brentwood earns kudos for bike lanes – Contra Costa Times
- Brentwood, CA page on the League of American Bicyclists website