Beginning July 1st, 2010 carpoolers will be charged a $2.50 – $3.00 toll to cross the Golden Gate Bridge.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle:
The bridge district’s board of directors on Friday [May 28, 2010] voted unanimously, and with little discussion, to charge tolls to carpoolers, who will also begin paying on the region’s seven state-owned toll bridges. Three-person carpools crossing the Golden Gate will be charged $3, 50 percent of the standard auto toll, and will be required to have a FasTrak transponder to get the discount.
Starting on July 1, 2010, the following rules and rates will be applicable:
- The two-axle toll rate will increase from $4 to $5 on most of the seven state-owned toll bridges in the Bay Area
- Time-of-Day pricing will be charged during weekday peak periods at the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge
- Carpools will be charged a discounted toll rate of $2.50, but vehicles will be required to have a FasTrak toll tag and to use a designated carpool lane to receive the toll discount
For a full list of toll increases by axle and commuting time for all state-owned bridges, visit the MTC toll increase information page.
Golden Gate Bridge to charge carpoolers $3 toll Read more: San Francisco Chronicle.