On-Off Ramps and Third Bore Night Closures | 511 Contra Costa

On-Off Ramps and Third Bore Night Closures

July 6-8 the far right lane (#4) of westbound Route 24 will be closed. Work crews will begin the closure at 7:30 PM and full closure will take place at 8:30 PM. The closure will take place until 4:00 AM.
During those nights, the Wilder off-ramp will be closed from 9:30 PM until 5:00 AM. The Wilder on-ramp will be closed from 11:30 PM until 5:00 AM. July 6-8 the Fish Ranch Road off-ramp will be closed from 9:00 PM. Until 5:00 AM.
According to Caldecott-tunnel.org, Caltrans crews will be installing electrical conduit as part of the Fourth Bore Project.

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