The Central Contra Costa Transit Authority is conducting a Public Hearing at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 18, 2010 in the Board of Directors meeting room at County Connection’s administrative office, 2477 Arnold Industrial Way . The purpose of this hearing is to receive citizen comment on CCCTA’s draft ten-year Short Range Transit Plan FY2010-FY2019.
This plan represents the goals, objectives, and standards for the CCCTA along with a general evaluation of system performance; description of the CCCTA service area and transit services; and an outline of the CCCTA capital, financial and operational ten year plan. The plan includes both fixed-route and paratransit services operated by CCCTA.
Click here to download The County Connection Ten-Year Short Range Transit Plan Draft for FY 2010-2019.
Interested members of the public are invited to speak at the hearing, and/or any of the following: Submit written comments to:
Service Planning Department
2477 Arnold Industrial Way
Concord, CA 94520
FAX to:
Attn: Service Planning Department
or Email to:
For more information, visit http://www.cccta.org/.