On a recent afternoon you might have caught a glimpse of Corona, an adorable australian shepherd, zipping along the Lafayette/Moraga Regional Trail riding in style and enjoying the fresh air on the way to her appointment at the Four Seasons Animal Hospital. Corona’s owner is a Lafayette resident who customized a bike trailer that he uses to run all sorts of local errands. Whether hauling groceries and garden supplies, transporting his children’s bikes home from school, or chauffeuring his dog, this local resident has found a great way to beat the traffic, save gas, and enjoy his community up close and in person.

“Frankly, when I bought [the trailer] I feared I wasn’t going to use it that much and I would have an expensive toy/white elephant sitting in my garage. As it ends up we use it ALL the time; some weekends I don’t drive my car at all.”
His bike trailer cost around $1,100 from Big Dave’s Bikes In Pleasant Hill. Other like-minded bike enthusiasts have found less expensive options. A Pleasant Hill mother of two converted the roomy bike trailer she originally used for towing her toddlers into a multi-purpose utility trailer simply by removing the backrest.
These genuine sport-utility-vehicles generate a lot of interest, curiosity, and a whole lot of smiles from onlookers. “I have seen a lot of light bulbs going on when people see my trailer loaded with library books and groceries and realize that running their Saturday morning errands could be a lot more fun too.”
Whether pulling a sleek custom utility trailer or towing a cast-off garage sale baby buggy, fun and practical options exist for getting around town without a car.