city | 511 Contra Costa

Draft Walnut Creek Pedestrian Master Plan – Give Your Input! (2015)

The Draft Walnut Creek Pedestrian Master Plan is now available for public review! The City of Walnut Creek wants your feedback and will be accepting public comments – via phone, online and at meetings – through Friday, June 12, 2015.
The Pedestrian Master Plan (PMP) is Walnut Creek’s first citywide planning effort focused on making walking safer, easier and more popular. The finished PMP will:

  • Outline goals, policies and actions to guide the evolution of walking in the city.
  • Assess existing conditions for walking.
  • Develop broad recommendations for physical improvements.
  • Recommend programs and activities to promote and encourage walking.
  • Formulate guidelines for the design of sidewalks, crosswalks and footpaths.

Particular attention will be paid to improving access to schools, transit, open space areas, parks and neighborhood shopping centers, as well as within the Downtown area. The planning effort relies on the public’s involvement to help shape the PMP.
If you’re interested in attending a public meeting, there are opportunities on May 4, 6 & 28 at Walnut Creek City Hall. For details on meeting times and locations, to read the Draft PMP, or to give feedback, visit the City of Walnut Creek’s ‘How to Get Involved’ page.

EcoAntioch 2015 Photo Contest: Nix Trash & Take Pics for Your Chance at Prizes

Keep Antioch BeautifulPick up litter, take a photo, and you could win skating at Paradise Skate or tickets to an Undead Bettys roller derby bout with EcoAntioch’s I Keep Antioch Beautiful photo contest. The rules are simple:

    1. Take a picture of you picking up litter somewhere in Antioch during the month of April.
    2. Follow EcoAntioch on Facebook (EcoAntioch) or Instagram (@ecoantioch).
    3. Post your picture (you can post more than one) and make sure to tag #ecoantioch, #KAB2015, #paradiseskate and #undeadbettys to enter the contest.

Undead BettysMid-contest Prizes: Pictures with the most likes by 5pm Friday, April 17 will win 2 tickets to the April 18 Undead Bettys bout at Antioch Indoor Sports Center.
Final Prizes: Pictures with the most likes by 5pm Thursday, April 30 will win a skate pass with skate rental to Paradise Skate.
Winners are determined by the number of likes, so creativity counts! And the sooner you post a photo, the more time you have to rack up those likes. Good luck!

Concord's Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Workshop – April 8, 2015

You’re invited to help create a more walkable and bikeable Concord at a Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan Community Workshop on Wednesday, April 8.
Community input is vital to the creation of the Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, which seeks to improve access for pedestrians and bicyclists to the City’s BART stations, guide investments in infrastructure, improve connections between the regional trails network and downtown, and improve safe access between schools, jobs, downtown, and other important areas of the city.
A light dinner, childcare, and Spanish translation services will be provided.
Accommodation for individuals with disabilities is available by request a minimum of 5 business days before the event. For more information, view the event flyer or call (925) 671-3152.
To give immediate feedback on how Concord might improve walking and biking conditions, or to read more about the Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan, visit the City of Concord’s information page.