NPR Looks At Personal Carsharing | 511 Contra Costa

NPR Looks At Personal Carsharing

It seems these days people are increasingly trying to avoid making trips by car for several of reasons, among them economic motivation. But what are you to do with your car when it’s just sitting there?
Zip Cars!!!!
Photo credit: Lincoln Adams
As you may know, 511CC’s carsharing page was updated to provide current information on how to start carsharing, or sharing your own car to make extra money. Recently NPR took note of the growing trend of personal carsharing with an article titled “Let A Stranger Drive Your Car? More Owners Say ‘Yes’ “. Here is an excerpt from the article:

“It would be difficult for some people to let a stranger drive off with one of their most valuable possessions. But not for Stanford graduate student Katie Hagey.

Hagey is one of a growing number of individual car owners who have started renting their wheels to people they don’t know through car-sharing startup companies resembling the better-known Zipcar.”

The piece continues, exploring how individuals are taking advantage of personal carsharing, and states that so far the concept appears a success for borrowers and lenders alike, before speculating where the concept is heading next.

If you’re interested in reading more, head over to NPR for the full article. And don’t forget you can check 511CC’s carsharing page to find opportunities in your neighborhood to give the concept a try.

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