Bike to Work Day 2024 Promotions Kit | 511 Contra Costa

Bike to Work Day 2024 Promotions Kit

In order to help you promote your involvement in Bike Month (aka Bike to Wherever Days) and the Bay Area’s Bike to Work Day on Thursday, May 16, we’ve put together a media kit consisting of promotional copy and graphics.

Promotional Copy

This document contains both long-form and short-form content to help you promote Bike to Work Day, Bike to Wherever Days, and 511 Contra Costa programs and incentives for biking and commuting by bike. It includes copy suitable for social media and newsletters. Samples:

Newsletter/Blurb: Join us for the 30th Anniversary of Bike to Work Day! On May 16, Energizer Stations across Contra Costa County will welcome riders as they bike to work or just enjoy a ride in honor of Bike Month. Visit an Energizer Station to pick up a free canvas tote, fuel up on goodies, and celebrate with fellow cyclists. Visit 511 Contra Costa’s Bike to Work Day page to locate an energizer station, plan your route to work, and get tips on preparing to ride. You can also learn about rewards for commuting by bike on 511 Contra Costa’s Bike to Work Day page.

Social Media Post: Bike to Work Day returns in May. Whether you’re working from home or commuting to the office, we invite you to join us, and tens of thousands of people throughout the Bay Area, in biking to work or to wherever on May 16. Get more details at #BTWD2024

BTWD Logos & Large Image Files

In this folder you will find Bike to Work Day and Bike to Wherever Days logos as well as promotional images. All images are large, allowing you to resize to suit your needs.

Social Media Graphics

This folder contains images sized for posting on social media. It contains rectangular (1200 x 675, 1200 x 628) and square images (1080 x 1080).

Employer Toolkit

No matter where your employees are working, encourage them to ride during May and especially on Bike to Work Day, Thursday, May 16th. Download the toolkit (pdf) for information on how your company can create a bike-friendly workplace, ideas and resources to encourage your employees to get out and ride, and a 2024 Bike to Wherever Days Poster to hang in your office or send out to employees.

Bike to Work Day Posters

Encourage people to participate in Bike to Wherever Days and Bike to Work Day by sharing the official BTWD poster! Print it out and post it or share it digitally.