Big Win on Transit FAQ | 511 Contra Costa

Big Win on Transit FAQ

Am I eligible to participate in the Big Win on Transit Program?

To be eligible, you must live, work or attend college in Contra Costa County, be 18 years or older, and ride transit at least once in any week you enter the drawing.

How can I register for the Big Win on Transit?

To participate, first create an account.  Once you create your account, including a login and password, you can log in to enter your transit rides each week. 

How do I enter my transit trips each week to be eligible for the drawings?

Log into your account and select the days you rode transit during that week, and if the trip was your most common trip.  Upload a screenshot of a Clipper card transaction that shows at least one ride during that week, or a screenshot of your digital or print ticket or pass showing a trip during that week. If you used cash or rode free, answer additional questions about your trips.

If I make the same transit trip often, do I have to log the trip details every time I ride?

No. When you sign up and create a profile, you will have the chance to enter the transit trip you most commonly take. When you log a ride, it will populate the details of that trip to make it easier. If you want to enter a different trip you can select ‘Other Trip’ and include the details of that new trip. Log your trips daily or all at one time – you’ll get one drawing entry for each day you rode transit.

Which transit agency rides are eligible for the drawing?

Transit rides that begin and/or end in Contra Costa County qualify. These can include trips on BART, Richmond Ferry, Tri Delta Transit, County Connection, WestCAT, Wheels, AC Transit, Vine, SolTrans, Capital Corridor, or Golden Gate Transit. Employer shuttles that begin or end in Contra Costa also qualify.

Can I enter the sweepstakes if I pay cash to ride a bus or the ferry, or receive a free transit ride?

Yes.  Instead of uploading a screenshot of a Clipper card transaction, ticket, or pass, simply answer a few additional questions about your transit trips.

When are weekly winners picked?

Participants’ weekly transit rides must be logged and submitted by Sunday at midnight for rides taken during the prior seven days, Monday through Sunday. Weekly winners will be randomly drawn the following Monday (or Tuesday if Monday falls on a holiday).

How and when will I know if I’ve won a weekly drawing?

Winners will be drawn on Monday and will be notified at the phone number and email address associated with their account. Winners will be contacted to confirm entry information and mailing address. Prizes will be mailed following successful contact with winning participants. If a winner cannot be reached within one week of a drawing, a new winner will be randomly selected.

Is purchase required?

No purchase of a transit trip is necessary to be entered in the Big Win on Transit sweepstakes. To enter each weekly drawing, send a postcard with your name, email address and/or phone number, and mailing address to: Big Win on Transit, 3003 Oak Road, Suite 100, Walnut Creek CA 94597. Postcards will be entered in the drawing for the week in which they were received.