Have You Checked Out Bikescore? | 511 Contra Costa

Have You Checked Out Bikescore?

Utrecht, The Netherlands at Rush Hour
Bicycle rush hour in Utrecht. Photo credit: Greg Raisman
Walk Score is the well-known “go to” site to check how walkable neighborhoods are. Given the ever growing popularity of bicycling in cities it may come as no surprise that the makers of Walk Score recently started Bike Score, which functioning similar to its sister site, rates how bikeable neighborhoods are.
Atlantic Cities covered the launch back in May, and the site remains in beta form, though Bike Score is well worth checking out if you haven’t yet! The Bay Area’s own San Francisco topped the list, ranked as the 3rd most bikeable city from the 10 listed.
Can More Bay Area Cities Make The List?

As the site continues to develop, the public can request cities to be added  and ranked. Do you think any other strong cycling Bay Area cities should be added to site?