Parking and Riding: An Introduction | 511 Contra Costa

Parking and Riding: An Introduction

Did you know that there are more than 150 Park and Ride lots in the Bay Area, including almost a dozen in Contra Costa County?
Unlike BART parking lots, Park and Ride lots are free.
Several Park and Ride lots offer bike racks and lockers, too. You can sign up for your very own bike locker by calling 1-800-834-3032.
Park and Ride lots are useful for more than commuting. You can leave your car in Contra Costa’s lots up to 72 hours (though double check the signage to make sure). Leave your car in the nearby Danville or Walnut Creeks lots before your camping, hiking, or biking adventure in Mount Diablo or Las Trampas.
Want to find the best way to get from a Park and Ride lot to your destination? Find your new carpool-mates on RideShare, or use SF Bay Area 511‘s trip planner to pick your route from any Park and Ride lot through transit. You might be surprised how many transit agencies exist to bring you from your car to your destination.