Reminders for School Zones, Crossing Guards, and Yellow School Buses | 511 Contra Costa

Reminders for School Zones, Crossing Guards, and Yellow School Buses

As schools are back in session safety officials urge motorists to be especially mindful of  their driving behavior in and around school zones and school buses.

A bus in front of San Jose’s Burnett Middle School with red lights flashing and stop sign deployed is ignored by drivers passing on the left. (Mercury News archives) (Rick E. Martin)

Do not pass a school bus with its flashing red lights and stop sign extended in either direction on an undivided highway. If there is a median divider, stop if traveling in the same direction as the bus.

  • Be prepared to stop if you see a school bus that has its flashing yellow lights activated. School buses use their yellow flashing lights to warn motorists of an upcoming bus stop.
  • Obey the speed limit. Kids are quick and don’t always think before running into the street.
  • Do not under any circumstances load or unload your child in the middle of the street or in the second lane of a drop-off circle at school. When dropping off a child pull all the way to the curb so the child exits the car on the right side. Children seated in the left side of the vehicle should exit on the right side of the vehicle.
  • Do not park in a red zone. They are there for a reason. You may be blocking the vision of a crossing guard or crosswalk.
  • The crossing guard’s stop sign means to stop until he/she leaves the crosswalk.
  • When pulling up to a crosswalk leave enough room between your car and the crosswalk so that if you are rear-ended you won’t collide with the guard or children crossing the street.
  • When crossing a street with your child, wait for the crossing guard to signal that it is safe to do so. Lead by example and train your child to listen to directions of the crossing guard.
  • Your child should never run, ride a scooter, skateboard or bicycle in the crosswalk.  Always walk.
  • Often the worst offenders of excessive speed and reckless motorist behavior in and around school zones is mom and dad.