Spare the Air turns 20! | 511 Contra Costa

Spare the Air turns 20!

Thanks to two decades of the Bay Area Spare the Air Program, we can all breathe a little bit better this summer.
The Spare the Air Program, organized by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD, “BACH-mid”), works in two ways:

  • resources to help us protect our air, and
  • tools to predict air quality near your home

The goal: to encourage people to leave their car at home at least one day a week.
511 Contra Costa helps you spare the air 365 days a year.
Whether it’s carpooling, transit, biking, or walking, we have tips and tools to take you from commuter padawan to traveling Jedi in no time.
511 Contra Costa also has a few air quality tools of our own.
The Air Quality page keeps you up to date on air quality forecasts for your area.
You can sign up to receive email, text or phone notifications if the air quality in your area is expected to pass the threshold of your choice.
And of course, with the iSmog app (for iPhone), you can browse current air quality as well as forecasts.

How are you preparing for the smoggy summer?