crossing | 511 Contra Costa

New Laws for 2018

2018 is here, and with it some new laws for transit and vanpool commuter benefits, walking and driving.
Pre-Tax Commuter Benefit: If your employer offers a program where you can pay for transit or vanpool commuting expenses with pre-tax dollars, the monthly cap for that benefit has risen to $260 for 2018. The pre-tax cap for biking expenses remains at $20.
Pedestrian Crossing Signals (AB 390): For crosswalk signals which include a countdown timer, it is now legal for a pedestrian to enter the crosswalk after the countdown has started, as long as they can make it across by the time the counter reaches zero. It is still illegal to begin crossing at a traditional pedestrian signal (i.e. no countdown timer) after it has begun flashing.
Seat Belts on Buses (SB 20): Effective July 1, 2018 – In buses which are equipped with seatbelts, the law requires both the passengers and the driver to wear them. The driver is also responsible for informing passengers of this requirement.
Driving Passengers for Hire (AB 2687, 2016): Effective July 1, 2018 – Now lowered to match the current limit for bus and truck drivers, the blood-alcohol limit for individuals driving for Uber, Lyft and similar services has been lowered to 0.04 percent when carrying passengers.
New Fuel Taxes and Vehicle Fees(SB 1): A new ‘transportation improvement fee’ will be added to all vehicle registration fees – ranging from $25 to $175 based on the value of a car or truck.
No Parking Citations at Broken Meters (AB 1625): You cannot be restricted from or ticketed for parking at a broken meter. However, you must still observe the posted time limit for parking.
Alcohol and Marijuana in Vehicles (SB 65, 94): Smoking or ingesting cannabis while driving or riding in a vehicle is prohibited. The law also prohibits the possession of an open container of cannabis or cannabis product when operating a motor vehicle.
To see the full text of any California law above, visit the California Legislative Information website.

Iron Horse Trail Overcrossings – How to Give Your Design Input (2014)

The City of San Ramon is seeking community design input on proposed bicycle/pedestrian overcrossings along the Iron Horse Trail at Bollinger Canyon Road and Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon. The goal of the overcrossings is to enhance safety and reduce delays for both trail and roadway users.
For each of the two proposed overcrossings, the City of San Ramon has posted a survey which includes descriptions and photos of various bridge concepts under consideration.  You can rate each bridge concept in terms of architecture, materials and color on a scale of one to five.
To take one or both surveys, start by visiting the Open San Ramon discussion page at To start the process, select the overcrossing you are interested in. Your selection will expand, giving you a ‘Go to the topic’ button:
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After clicking the ‘Go to the topic’ button, the website will take you to an ‘Introduction’ tab by default:
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To get to the actual survey and provide your feedback, you’ll need to click on the ‘Your Response’ tab. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see the description and image of the first bridge design concept:
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NOTE: Make sure to click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the survey, or your feedback won’t be captured:
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Once you’ve completed your survey, if you’d like to give feedback on the other overcrossing, just navigate back to the Open San Ramon discussion page and repeat the process. The online surveys will be available through November 26 at 4pm.