Iron Horse Trail bridge | 511 Contra Costa

Iron Horse Trail Overcrossings – How to Give Your Design Input (2014)

The City of San Ramon is seeking community design input on proposed bicycle/pedestrian overcrossings along the Iron Horse Trail at Bollinger Canyon Road and Crow Canyon Road in San Ramon. The goal of the overcrossings is to enhance safety and reduce delays for both trail and roadway users.
For each of the two proposed overcrossings, the City of San Ramon has posted a survey which includes descriptions and photos of various bridge concepts under consideration.  You can rate each bridge concept in terms of architecture, materials and color on a scale of one to five.
To take one or both surveys, start by visiting the Open San Ramon discussion page at To start the process, select the overcrossing you are interested in. Your selection will expand, giving you a ‘Go to the topic’ button:
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After clicking the ‘Go to the topic’ button, the website will take you to an ‘Introduction’ tab by default:
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To get to the actual survey and provide your feedback, you’ll need to click on the ‘Your Response’ tab. You’ll know you’re in the right place when you see the description and image of the first bridge design concept:
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NOTE: Make sure to click the ‘Submit’ button at the bottom of the survey, or your feedback won’t be captured:
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Once you’ve completed your survey, if you’d like to give feedback on the other overcrossing, just navigate back to the Open San Ramon discussion page and repeat the process. The online surveys will be available through November 26 at 4pm.

Iron Horse Trail Pedestrian Bridge Near Completion

Update: According to project engineers, the crossing will be accessible by September 27th, with the grand opening set for October 2nd.

After months of construction and more than a decade of planning, the Iron Horse Trail Pedestrian/Bike Bridge is near completion. The bridge spans eight lanes of Treat Boulevard in the Pleasant Hill BART area, linking discontinuous sections of the Iron Horse Trail. Upon its opening (rumored to be Friday, August 27th), the overcrossing will allow for pedestrians and bicyclists to safely cross the heavily trafficked road.

Construction on the $6.8 million bridge over the eight lanes of Treat Boulevard began in September of 2009 (see project timeline below). More than 1 million people per year use the Iron Horse Regional Trail, a 24-mile stretch from Dublin to Concord that runs along an old railroad right of way.

From the Contra Costa Times:

Beverly Lane, who represents Central Contra Costa County on the East Bay Regional Park District board, said she thought the bridge would have been completed 10 years ago.
“I am really ecstatic. It’s just going to be so good for the trail users and the people driving down Treat; it will enable people to go over without stopping traffic,” Lane said.

What do you think of the new bridge? Tell us by taking the short survey below.

For more information:

Treat Boulevard to close for Iron Horse Trail bridge installation

During the first three weekends in June, The Contra Costa County Public Works Department will be closing the intersection of Treat Boulevard and Jones Road overnight for the installation of the Iron Horse Trail Pedestrian Bridge.
The closures are scheduled for 9 pm to 10 am the next morning on the following nights:

  • June 4,  5
  • June 11, 12
  • June 18, 19

Detour signs will be posted.
Download the construction flyer for closure details and a detour plan.
For questions or concerns, contact:
Nick Panayotou
Resident Engineer