It’s Caldecott Fourth Bore Trivia Time!
The Fourth Bore project is breaking new ground every day. Keep up by testing your Caldecott knowledge and you might learn something new. And use your Internet sleuthing skills, for Peet’s sake!
The Nitty Gritty Details
- New trivia questions will be posted bi-weekly
- One lucky winner will receive a $10 Peet’s Coffee gift card compliments of 511 Contra Costa (Winners will be randomly selected from all correct respondents)
- Answers can be found on the project website at
Another question…
The Caldecott Fourth Bore Project is composed of four construction contracts. The project to build the Fourth Bore tunnel is by far the largest but several other contracts are included that improve traffic flow in the area. These include:
- Kay Street Project
- Route 24/Highway 13 Interchange Project
Q. What is the 4th contract?
- A. Broadway Tunnel Project
- B. Landscaping Project
- C. Tunnel Road Project
- D. Caldecott Tunnel Third Bore
Last week’s winner
Last week, Roxanne R. answered our trivia question correctly and was randomly chosen to win $10 to Peet’s Coffee & Tea. Congratulations, Roxanne!
Last week’s question and answer to Trivia Quiz #1 was:
The topheading from both the east and the west is being excavated now, and that work will be followed by the bench, or bottom portion.
Q: Why is the top section of the tunnel being excavated first?
A: By excavating the top section of the tunnel first the miners maintain better control of the surrounding rock, which allows more efficient tunneling.