On Friday, November 15th at 1:30 p.m. U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx will join project partners to celebrate the construction of the Caldecott Fourth Bore with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
The ceremony will be attended by:
- U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx
- Caltrans Director Malcolm Dougherty
- Metropolitan Transportation Commission Chair Amy Rein Worth
- Contra Costa Transportation Authority Chair Janet Abelson
- Student designers of the Fourth Bore medallions
The event will happen near the east portal of the Caldecott Tunnel in Contra Costa County.

The $417 million Caldecott Tunnel Fourth Bore project was completed in less than four years, and under budget, and is expected to provide significant congestion relief to motorists traveling along State Route 24 between Alameda and Contra Costa Counties in the off-peak direction by permanently dedicating two tunnels to travel in each direction.
The Fourth Bore was one of the largest recipients of Recovery Act funding in the nation, and its successful construction has been a partnership of the Federal Highway Administration, the California Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Bay Area Toll Authority, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and the Alameda County Transportation Commission.
The six students whose designs were chosen in a regional competition will participate in the unveiling of the mounted Art Deco-inspired medallions, which will grace both portals of the new tunnel.
To see all winners and honorable mentions for the contest, see our board on Pinterest.