bag | 511 Contra Costa

Quick Start Guide: Bike To Work Day 2019

Bike To Work Day (BTWD) is coming! Be sure to mark your calendars for May 9 to join us and thousands of other Bay Area commuters in biking to work.
Our BTWD information page has all the resources you’ll need to get started, including:

Locating Free Stuff: Check our map to find an Energizer Station on your route to work, so you can stop to enjoy snacks, encouragement, a free BTWD bag, and cool swag.

Easy Routes: Use the 511CC Bike Mapper to build your ideal bike commute based on your preferences, including avoiding hills.

Tips & Tricks: Preparation for BTWD isn’t that difficult, and we’ll walk you through it so you can have fun on one of the most enjoyable commuting days of the year.

Party Time: There are Bike Happy Hours at the end of the work day on May 9. They’re free, you’re invited, and you’ll find them (marked in yellow) on our map.

Warm Up with Classes or Rides: You’ll find everything from social rides to classes geared towards improving your confidence on the bike on our Bike Events page.

Bike + BART: It’s not cheating to use BART and your bike to get to work on BTWD. Just familiarize yourself with BART’s guidelines before the big day.

Need more information or want to pledge to ride on May 9? Click the button below.

Get More Info on Bike To Work Day

Student Bag Artwork Contest (2014)

Calling all student artists!

We need your creative talent to design a cool graphic to be featured on the 511 Contra Costa reusable bag that is distributed across Central and East Contra Costa County.  The winning artist will receive a $50 gift card to the movies and his/her artwork featured in the latest edition of our reusable bag!

What is the theme?beachtote

“Explore New Ways to Get Around”: carpool, transit, bikeskateboard and walk.  Your artwork should show how these ways environmentally-friendly ways of getting around help reduce pollution and promote cleaner air.

What are the requirements?

  1. Use the 17×11 cardstock paper supplied by 511 Contra Costa.
  2. Use of up to three (3) colors is allowed.  (Note: Black is considered one color. You can use the white background of the paper as another source of color.)
  3. Include three (3) logos in the artwork:

–  511 Contra Costa (should be featured prominently)
–  Contra Costa Transportation Authority
–  BAAQMD Transportation Fund for Clean Air

     4. Sign your work!

What are the contest rules?

  • Artwork contest ends  Friday, February 28, 2014.  Entries due by 5 pm Thursday, February  27, 2014 at  City of Antioch City Hall; or Friday, 12:00 noon,February 28, 2014 at 511 Contra Costa in Pleasant Hill.
  • Artwork submitted must be from a student enrolled in a middle school within the cities of Antioch, Brentwood, Clayton, Concord, Martinez, Oakley, Pittsburg, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek and the surrounding unincorporated areas.
  • He/she must have permission of parent/guardian to enter in the contest by acknowledging and signing the Parent Guardian Release Form.

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