bus | 511 Contra Costa

Ride to Win: $511 Drawings Every Week

You Could Win $511 for Riding Transit

When choosing how to get around – commuting, running errands, or going out – cost can be a factor. But now, one of your transportation options gives you chances to win money!

With Big Win on Transit, for every day you take transit Monday through Sunday, you earn an entry in that week’s drawing for $511. So, the more often you choose transit, the more likely you are to win. If you’re 18+ and live or work in Contra Costa County, you’re eligible to participate.

How to Participate

Putting yourself in the running is easy. First, create your Big Win on Transit account. After that, log your week’s trips (Monday-Sunday) by Sunday at midnight. During the trip-logging process, you’ll upload proof of your rides – a screenshot of a Clipper card transaction showing at least one ride during that week, or a photo of your digital ticket or paper bus pass.

You can log your trips daily or enter them all at once, as long as you get them in by the deadline. Weekly drawings for $511 take place every Monday.

If you’re ready to get started, click below to sign up. For more information, visit our Big Win on Transit page for complete details.

No purchase necessary to participate in weekly drawings. See terms and conditions for details.

New Year’s Eve 2024 & New Year’s Day 2025 Transit Service

Photo of fireworks above the west span of the Oakland San Francisco Bay Bridge with the San Francisco skyline in the background

Late Night BART Service from San Francisco: On New Years Eve, BART will run special 3-line service at 1am on the Orange, Yellow, and Blue lines. Timed transfers will be available at MacArthur and Bay Fair stations. The last East Bay bound train will run through downtown San Francisco around 1:30am. For full details, refer to this BART news story.

Free Rides on Transit: AC Transit, Caltrain, and SF Muni will all offer free rides starting at 8pm New Year’s Eve. AC Transit is offering free rides on all lines through 5am New Year’s Day, including AC Transit Transbay and Tempo lines. SF Muni will offer free rides on all lines until 5am New Year’s Day. Caltrain will offer free service on all trains until the last southbound train departs San Francisco at 2am.

Click any link below for additional information.

New Year’s Eve (Tuesday, December 31)

New Year’s Day (Wednesday, January 1)

Thanksgiving 2024 – Holiday Transit Service

On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 28), all transit agencies serving Contra Costa County will run on modified schedules or offer no service. On the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 29), BART, AC Transit, and County Connection will run on regular weekday schedules. All others will operate modified service.

Click any link below for additional information.

Thanksgiving Day – Nov. 28

Day After Thanksgiving – Nov. 29

Veterans Day 2024 – Contra Costa Transit Service

On Veterans Day (Monday, Nov. 11), most transit agencies serving Contra Costa will offer weekday service. Tri Delta Transit, WestCAT, SolTrans, and the San Francisco Bay Ferry will operate on modified schedules. Below, we’ve collected service information for all Contra Costa transit providers for easy reference.

Click any link for additional information.

Labor Day 2024 Transit Service (Monday, Sep. 2)

On Monday, September 2, transit will run on modified schedules throughout Contra Costa. We’ve collected schedule information below for all agencies serving the county.

NOTE: County Connection, SolTrans, and Vine Transit will offer no service on September 2.

Click any link for additional information

Labor Day (Monday, September 2)

Contra Costa Transit Service for July 4, 2024

Free BART Parking on July 4

Getting to the fireworks in San Francisco is easy when you take BART. Parking will be free at all East Bay BART stations. (NOTE: BART may provide additional trains to help riders get home after the San Francisco fireworks.)

Transit Service for Thursday, July 4

County Connection, SolTrans, SolanoExpress, and Vine Transit will offer no service on Thursday, July 4. All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa County will operate on weekend or holiday schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Memorial Day 2024 Transit Service (Monday, May 27)

On Memorial Day Monday (May 27), all transit agencies serving Contra Costa will run on modified schedules except County Connection, SolTrans, and Vine Transit, which will offer no service.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Is Your Bike Ready to Ride? Do the ABC Quick Check

With May being bike month, you might find yourself reaching for your bike helmet instead of the car keys. An easy way to remember what to check on your bike before heading out, especially if you haven’t ridden it in a while, is ‘ABC Quick Check‘:

A – Air: Check the air in your tires. Inflate to the pressure listed on the side of the tire. Spin the wheels and check for wear. If there’s less than 1/4” of tread, it’s time for a new set.

B – Brakes: Brake levers should stop short of reaching the handlebar when pulled. Brake pads should be clean, straight, and contact the rims. You should still be able to see the pattern of grooves in the brake pads. Check coaster brakes by spinning the back wheel and pushing the pedal backward.

C – Chain: The chain should move freely, be free of rust, and lightly oiled. Pro tip: Avoid solvents like WD40 on your chain – use a lubricant instead.

Quick – Quick-release levers: If your bike has quick-release levers, make sure they are all closed.

Check – Give the bike a gentle bounce, looking and listening for anything loose: Take a slow, brief ride to check that your bike seat and handlebars are adjusted to the right height and that everything is working properly.

If your bike needs attention beyond the ABC’s, take it to a local bike shop for a thorough tune-up.

For more bicycle maintenance resources and free classes, visit the Bike East Bay website. Also be sure to check out 511 Contra Costa’s maintenance and safe biking resources.

Presidents’ Day 2024 Transit Service

On Presidents’ Day (Monday, February 19), some transit agencies will provide regular weekday service while others will run on modified schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2024 Transit Service

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Monday, January 15), some transit agencies will provide regular weekday service while others will run on modified schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

New Year’s Eve 2023 & New Year’s Day 2024 Transit Service

Fireworks display over water

Late Night BART Service from San Francisco: On New Years Eve, BART will run special 3-line service at 1am on the Orange, Yellow, and Blue lines. Timed transfers will be available at MacArthur, 12th St Oakland, and Bay Fair. The last East Bay bound train will run through downtown San Francisco around 1:30am. For full details, refer to this BART news story.

Free Rides on Transit: AC Transit, Caltrain, and SF Muni will all offer free rides starting at 8pm New Year’s Eve. AC Transit is offering free rides on all lines through 5am New Year’s Day, including AC Transit Transbay and Tempo lines. SF Muni will offer free rides on all lines until 5am New Year’s Day. Caltrain will offer free service on all trains until the last southbound train departs San Francisco at 2am.

Click any link below for additional information.

New Year’s Eve Observed (Friday, December 29)

  • Wheels (LAVTA): Modified Weekday service – no school service
  • All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will provide regular weekday service

New Year’s Eve (Sunday, December 31)

  • BART: Extended Sunday service (8am-midnight + 1am special service)
  • All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will provide regular Sunday service

New Year’s Day (Monday, January 1)

Christmas Holiday Transit Service

2023 AC Transit Holiday Bus - Bus is blue with cursive writing saying, "Oh what fun it is to Ride!"

This year, transit agencies serving Contra Costa will modify their schedules for December 25 but not Christmas Eve (December 24). On Christmas Day no service will be offered by County Connection, San Francisco Bay Ferry, SolanoExpress, SolTrans, and Vine Transit.

Tri Delta Transit Service Note: On Friday, December 22, Tri Delta Transit will provide Weekend/Holiday service.

SolanoExpress Service Note: For all weekdays from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Eve, all SolTrans lines including SolanoExpress will operate on a Saturday service schedule.

Click any link below for additional information.

Friday, December 22

  • Tri Delta Transit: Routes 380, 381, 388, 389, 391 & 395 on a Sunday schedule; limited Paratransit service
  • All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will be on a regular weekday schedule

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

Thanksgiving 2023 – Holiday Transit Service

On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 23), all transit agencies serving Contra Costa County will run on modified schedules or offer no service. On the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 24), all agencies but BART, AC Transit, and County Connection will run on modified schedules.

Click any link below for additional information.

Thanksgiving Day – Nov. 23

Day After Thanksgiving – Nov. 24

  • WestCAT – JR/JL, DAR, 11, and 19 – Saturday service
  • Tri Delta Transit – 380, 381, 388, 389, 391, and 395 only (on a Sunday schedule)
  • Capitol Corridor – Weekend/Holiday service
  • San Francisco Bay Ferry – Weekend schedule with service on all routes except Harbor Bay and South San Francisco.
  • Wheels (LAVTA) – Weekend service
  • Golden Gate Transit – Weekend/Holiday service
  • SolTrans – Saturday service
  • Vine Transit – Local routes on a Saturday schedule; Regional routes (11X, 21, 29) on a regular weekday schedule
  • All other transit on regular weekday schedules (BART, AC Transit, County Connection)

Veterans Day 2023 – Contra Costa Transit Service

Tri Delta Transit is the only transit agency serving Contra Costa County which will make schedule changes surrounding Veterans Day. On Friday, November 10, they will operate on their Saturday/Sunday/Holiday schedule and administrative offices will be closed. On November 11, their regular Saturday/Sunday/Holiday schedule will remain in effect.

All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will run on regular schedules on both Friday (11/10) and Saturday (11/11). Details on Tri Delta Transit’s schedule for Friday are below.

Click any link for additional information.

Tri Delta Transit Service – Friday, November 10:

  • Routes 380, 381, 388, 389, 391 & 395 on a Saturday/Sunday/Holiday schedule; Administrative offices will be closed

Agencies Providing Regular Service Both November 10 & 11:

Labor Day 2023 Transit Service (Monday, Sep. 4)

On Monday, September 4, transit will run on modified schedules throughout Contra Costa. We’ve collected schedule information below for all agencies serving the county.

NOTE: County Connection, SolTrans, and Vine Transit will offer no service on September 4.

Click any link for additional information

Labor Day (Monday, September 4)

Contra Costa Transit Service for July 4, 2023

BART Will Run Extra Trains for San Francisco Fireworks

BART will be providing additional trains to help riders get home after the San Francisco fireworks. Parking will be free at all East Bay BART stations.

Transit Service for Tuesday, July 4

County Connection, SolTrans, SolanoExpress, and Vine Transit will offer no service on Tuesday, July 4. All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa County will operate on weekend or holiday schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Memorial Day 2023 Transit Service (Monday, May 29)

On Memorial Day 2023 (May 29), all transit agencies serving Contra Costa will run on modified schedules except County Connection, SolTrans, and Vine Transit, which will offer no service.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Presidents’ Day 2023 Transit Service

On Presidents’ Day (Monday, February 20), some transit agencies will provide regular weekday service while others will run on modified schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2023 Transit Service

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Monday, January 16), some transit agencies will provide regular weekday service while others will run on modified schedules.

Click any link below for additional schedule information.

New Year’s Eve 2022 & New Year’s Day 2023 Transit Schedules (Dec. 30-Jan. 2)

Late Night BART Service from San Francisco: On New Years Eve, BART will run special 3-line service at 1am on the Orange, Yellow, and Blue lines. Timed transfers will be available at MacArthur, 12th St/Oakland, and Bay Fair. The last East Bay bound train will run through San Francisco around 1:30am. For full details, refer to this Twitter thread.

Free Rides on Transit: AC Transit, Caltrain, and SF Muni will all offer free rides starting at 8pm New Year’s Eve. AC Transit is offering free rides on all lines through 5am New Year’s Day, including AC Transit Transbay and Tempo lines. SF Muni will offer free rides on all lines until 5am New Year’s Day and Caltrain will offer free service on all trains until 3:30am New Year’s Day.

Click any link below for additional information.

New Year’s Eve Observed (Friday, December 30)

New Year’s Eve (Saturday, December 31)

  • BART: Extended Saturday service (6am-1am + 1am special service)
  • All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will provide their regular Saturday service

New Year’s Day (Sunday, January 1)

New Year’s Day Observed (Monday, January 2)

  • WestCAT: Lynx – Regular schedule; JR/JL, 11, 19, DAR – Saturday schedule
  • Tri Delta Transit: Routes 380, 381, 388, 389, 391 & 395 on a Sunday schedule; limited Paratransit service
  • County Connection: Weekend service (300 Series, Route 4 & Route 6)
  • Capitol Corridor: Weekend/Holiday service
  • Golden Gate Bus: Holiday service
  • Wheels (LAVTA): All current Weekend schedules in effect
  • All other transit agencies serving Contra Costa will provide their regular weekday service

Christmas 2022: Holiday Transit Schedules (Dec. 23-26)

While most holiday service changes occur on Sunday, December 25, there are also a handful of changes on December 23, 24, and 26. In addition, no service will be offered on December 25 by County Connection, San Francisco Bay Ferry, Fairfield & Suisun Transit, and SolTrans.

SolTrans Service Note: For all weekdays from Christmas Eve through New Year’s Eve, all SolTrans lines including SolanoExpress will operate on a Saturday service schedule.

Click any link below for additional information.

Christmas Eve Observed (Friday, December 23)

  • Wheels (LAVTA): All current Weekend schedules, plus Routes 53 and 54

Christmas Eve (Saturday, December 24)

  • Tri Delta Transit: Routes 380, 381, 388, 389, 391 & 395 on a Sunday schedule; limited Paratransit service
  • All other transit serving Contra Costa will run on regular Saturday schedules

Christmas Day (Sunday, December 25)

Christmas Day Observed (Monday, December 26)

  • Golden Gate Bus: Holiday Service
  • AC Transit: Sunday schedules will be in effect
  • WestCAT: JR/JL – Sunday service
  • Wheels (LAVTA): All current Weekend schedules in effect
  • Tri Delta Transit: Routes 380, 381, 388, 389, 391 & 395 on a Sunday schedule; limited Paratransit service
  • SolTrans: Local Routes and SolanoExpress Lines – Saturday service schedule
  • County Connection: Weekend service (300 Series, Route 4 & Route 6)
  • Capitol Corridor: Weekend/Holiday service
  • All other transit serving Contra Costa will run on regular Monday schedules

Thanksgiving 2022 – Holiday Transit Service

On Thanksgiving Day (Nov. 24), all transit agencies serving Contra Costa County will run on modified schedules. In addition, some agencies will run on modified schedules the day after Thanksgiving (Nov. 25).

Click any link below for additional information.

Thanksgiving Day – Nov. 24

Day After Thanksgiving – Nov. 25

  • WestCAT – JR/JL, DAR, 11, and 19 – Saturday service
  • Tri Delta Transit – 380, 381, 388, 389, 391, and 395 only (on a Sunday schedule)
  • Capitol Corridor – Weekend/Holiday service
  • San Francisco Bay Ferry – Weekend schedule with service on all routes except Alameda Seaplane, Harbor Bay, and South San Francisco
  • Wheels – Weekend service
  • Golden Gate Transit – Holiday service
  • SolTrans – Saturday service
  • All other transit on regular weekday schedules (BART, AC Transit, County Connection, FAST)

Fare-Free October for WestCAT and County Connection

For the month of October, all routes for WestCAT and County Connection will be fare-free. No ticket, pass, or coupon required – just get on the bus and enjoy a free ride. This includes County Connection paratransit service and WestCAT LYNX to San Francisco.

WestCAT 31-Day Pass Users: WestCAT is advising all 31-Day Pass users to delay activating any 31-Day Pass until this promotion is over to ensure they do not use a paid pass on any free-fare day. If you use a WestCAT 31-Day Pass on Clipper, you should temporarily disable Autoload to avoid paying in October.

Free Rides Year-Round on Select County Connection Routes: When October is over, you can still take advantage of County Connection’s seven fare-free routes serving Walnut Creek and the Monument Corridor.

Go Fare-Free: With gas prices still high, October is a great opportunity to save money by taking the bus – for commuting, errands, social outings, or whatever. And if you haven’t ridden transit in a while, it’s an excellent time to get back on board. For more information about fare-free October, click below.

Labor Day 2022 Transit Service (Sept. 5)

On Monday, September 5, transit will run on adjusted schedules throughout Contra Costa. We’ve collected schedule information below for all agencies serving the county.

NOTE: County Connection, FAST, and SolTrans will offer no service on September 5.

Click any link for additional information

Labor Day (Monday, September 5)