The California Highway Patrol knows that driving is freedom. Helping seniors preserve that freedom is the focus of their Age Well Drive Smart program.
On October 27, CHP – Contra Costa invites you to take their free Age Well Drive Smart class in Lafayette. This two-hour interactive program is designed to help Contra Costa County’s senior drivers refresh their knowledge of the “rules of the road” and learn about age-related physical changes and how to adjust to them.
Included in the discussion will be the importance of preserving the ability to drive, factors to consider in extending our driving years, and health issues which might require us to limit or stop driving.
The event happens at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (1035 Carol Lane) in Lafayette on October 27, from 9:30am to 11:30am.
To register, visit the Eventbrite page.

Included in the discussion will be the importance of preserving the ability to drive, factors to consider in extending our driving years, and health issues which might require us to limit or stop driving.
The event happens at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (1035 Carol Lane) in Lafayette on October 27, from 9:30am to 11:30am.
To register, visit the Eventbrite page.