Employer Benefits | 511 Contra Costa

Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program Public Hearing (2014)

Bay Area Air Quality Management District

WHO: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

WHAT: Public hearing to consider the adoption of proposed Regulation 14: Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Measures, Rule 1: Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program. The proposed rule will serve as the foundation for the Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program (Program).

WHEN: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 9:45am

WHERE: 939 Ellis Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 at the 7th Floor Board Room

WHY: The objective is to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and criteria air pollutants by expanding the number of employers who provide commuter benefits to their employees.


California Government Code § 65081 (added by Senate Bill 1339) authorizes BAAQMD and the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) to jointly adopt and implement a Bay Area commuter benefits ordinance on a pilot basis through 2016.

How it will affect employers

The proposed rule will require employers with 50 or more full-time employees in the Bay Area to select one of the following four commuter benefit options to offer to their employees:

  • Allow employees to exclude their transit or vanpool costs from taxable income, up to the maximum amount allowed by current federal law;
  • Provide a transit or vanpool subsidy to reduce, or cover, employees’ monthly transit or vanpool costs;
  • Provide a low-cost or free shuttle, vanpool, or bus service for employees (operated by or for the employer); or
  • Propose an alternative commuter benefit that would be equally as effective as the other options in reducing single-occupant vehicle trips (and/or vehicle emissions).

Employers will also be required to:

  • Register through a web-based registration process;
  • Designate a contact person;
  • Notify employees of the commuter benefit selected and maintain records to document the implementation; and
  • Provide information needed for Program evaluation.

What will happen

Should the Air District Board of Directors adopt the proposed rule and if MTC concurs with this action, then Bay Area employers would have six (6) months to comply with the requirements of the program.
You may submit comments to the proposed rule and supporting documents to commuterbenefits@baaqmd.gov or to
David Burch
Principal Environmental Planner
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
939 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA 94109
Written comments must be received by 5pm Friday, February 21, 2014.

Public Hearing Notice

Proposed Rule and Supporting Documents

See also Bay Area Commuter Benefits Program Public Workshop

See also New Bay Area Commuter Benefit Policy