Events | 511 Contra Costa

Tips and Tricks: Get Ready for Bike To Work Day

If you’re not a regular bike commuter, here are some tips to help you get ready to ride:

1. Make sure your bike fits you properly. Bike size, saddle height and forward/backward position and handlebar height all play key parts in making you comfortable on your bike. If you know someone who can help you with all those measurements, great. If not, your local bike shop can easily help you get a great fit.

2. Get comfortable riding your bike. For many new cyclists, the biggest challenge is just getting comfortable riding – not to mention riding in traffic. Start by riding on quiet streets or empty parking lots, and then test out your skills riding with car traffic. Take it slow and steady and you’ll get the hang of it easily.

3. Remember the rules of the road. Bikes are subject to the same traffic rules as cars. That means stopping at traffic lights and stop signs, yielding to pedestrians, using “turn” signals to indicate where you’re going, etc. And be very aware of what drivers, other cyclists and pedestrians are doing. That’ll keep you safe and make your ride lots of fun.

Riders pose in front of an Energize Station on Bike to Work Day 2013 in Contra Costa County, CA4. Ride with friends or colleagues. One of the best ways to get into the groove of riding is to ride with others. Have friends who already ride regularly? Ask them to help you train. Have colleagues who ride to work? See if you can ride with them. They can all teach you some of the tricks to safe, fun riding and help you build your confidence in the meantime.

5. Be safe. Riding at night? Be sure to “light up” – flashers on the back, lights on the front – so you can be seen coming and going. How about a little extra protection just in case? Gloves for your hands, helmet for your head. If you happen to fall – even at a very slow speed – you’ll be glad to have coverage to absorb the impact.

6. Carrying your stuff. There are lots of ways to carry your stuff to work. Give it some thought so you can pick the one that you like best. From knapsacks to rear racks to front baskets and much more, how you carry your stuff is as individual as you are.

Now it’s time to get out there and ride. We’ll see you on Bike To Work Day!

This post originally appeared on the blog at Click here for more information on Bike To Work Day.

Contra Costa Earth Day Events 2024

Earth Day Events

All Month

  • Iron Horse Trail or Online: Go With the Flow – A biking (or walking) tour of Central San’s service area, following the flow of wastewater for 21 miles along the Iron Horse Regional Trail from San Ramon to Martinez. Explore all or part of the route in person or travel it virtually with the guided map tour. Self-guided tour. Location: Iron Horse Trail or online.

Friday, April 19

  • Walnut Creek: Plan(e)t Based Diet Workshop – Speaker April Capil will guide you through the nutritional benefits of a vegetable-rich diet, share easy and delicious ways to include more greens in your daily meals, and discuss the positive effects on physical health, mental clarity, and environmental sustainability. 4-5pm, Walnut Creek Library.

Saturday, April 20

  • Antioch: Keep Antioch Beautiful Cleanup – Join the City of Antioch and help beautify the community by volunteering to do trash cleanup at Waldie Plaza or plant flowers at the Antioch Water Park. After volunteering, head to the Antioch Community Center for a volunteer lunch. 9am-1pm, Antioch Water Park & Waldie Plaza.
  • Antioch: Upper Sand Creek Basin Cleanup – Join the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District (CCRCD) for a trash cleanup at Upper Sand Creek Basin to celebrate Earth Day. If you have any questions regarding this event, or would like to attend, please send Victoria Woolfolk an email at Click here to register. Cleanup 9am-noon, Upper Sand Creek Basin.
  • Crockett: Earth Day Cleanup in Crockett – Celebrate Crockett’s 5th Annual Earth Day with a waterfront cleanup from 10am to 1pm. Toss on your boots and gloves and help the CCRCD make a difference! Click here to register. Cleanup 10am-1pm, Crockett Waterfront.
  • East Bay Regional Parks: Visit the EBRPD Earth Day Programs & Activities Page to see a list of volunteer opportunities for April 20, including habitat restoration, dune restoration, and cleanup projects. Various times and locations.
  • El Cerrito: El Cerrito Earth Day Celebration – Residents can volunteer at work parties across the city, helping clean up and beautify the city starting at 9am. Work parties (various locations) 9am-noon.
  • El Sobrante: Earth Day Cleanup & Celebration – Join the El Sobrante/94803 Green Team and SPAWNERS at the El Sobrante Library for their annual cleanup and celebration. Sign in and join Green Teams to clean up streets or SPAWNERS to clean local creeks and do landscape gardening. A celebration will follow the cleanup, featuring food, children’s art activities, entertainment, speakers, and more. Cleanup 9:30am-12pm / Celebration 12-2pm. El Sobrante Library.
  • Martinez: John Muir’s Birthday / Earth Day Celebration – A wonderful fun-filled family day in the sun, at the grounds of the John Muir National Historic Site, which includes his 1880s Victorian home and an authentic 1849 Mexican Adobe, along with his orchards and vineyard. There will be youth activities, food and live music, and many displays relating to history, ecology, and nature. Free admission. 10am-4pm, John Muir Historic Site.
  • Pinole: Pinole Earth Walk – A three-mile paved loop walk beginning and ending in Fernandez Park. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the finish line, and there will be kids’ activities and local environmental organizations to connect with. 9am-noon, Fernandez Park.
  • Pinole: Point Pinole Beach Cleanup – Join the East Bay Regional Park District to celebrate Earth Day at Point Pinole with a shoreline Cleanup. 9am-12pm, Giant Staging Area at Point Pinole Regional Shoreline.
  • Pittsburg: Pittsburg Civic Pride Day – Get involved and take pride in Pittsburg by joining a community litter removal effort! All ages welcome. Check in at Highlands Elementary with weather-proof clothes, sturdy shoes, and a can-do attitude. Water, litter grabbers, safety vests, collection bags, and clipboards will be provided. RSVP here. Check-in 8:45am, litter removal 9am-noon. Meet at Highlands Elementary School (4141 Harbor Street).
  • Invite your friends and RSVP by reserving free tickets at
  • Richmond: Wildcat Canyon Regional Park Habitat Restoration – Join the East Bay Regional Park District to celebrate Earth Day with a morning of habitat restoration at Wildcat Canyon Regional Park. 9am-noon, Alvardo Staging Area at Wildcat Canyon Regional Park.
  • Richmond: Earth Day Celebration at the Greenway – The community is invited to discover innovative methods for leading sustainable lives through engaging activities like upcycling clothes, gardening, mural painting, park and garden beautification projects, games, inspiring speakers, bike-powered smoothies, and a variety of other interactive booths. 10am-1pm, Unity Park Community Plaza (1605 Ohio Ave).
  • Richmond: Earth Day Cleanup in North Richmond – Volunteer to help clean up Wildcat Creek. Volunteers should bring closed-toed shoes, a water bottle, and clothes they don’t mind getting dirty. When you’re done volunteering, enjoy a celebration at Shields-Reid Park featuring lots of kid-friendly activities a silent auction. 9-11am: Meet at North Richmond Ballpark and volunteer, 10am-noon: Celebration at Shields-Reid Park.
  • Rodeo: Rodeo Earth Day Cleanup – Toss on your boots and gloves and help the CCRCD make a difference on Earth Day by being part of their cleanup of the Lower Rodeo Creek. Click here to register. Cleanup 10am-1pm, Lower Rodeo Creek.
  • Walnut Creek: Walnut Creek Earth Day. Enjoy live music, a kids’ zone, eco-circus entertainment, a trashy fashion show, and inspiring speakers at Walnut Creek’s Earth Day Celebration. Civic Park, 11am-4pm.
  • Walnut Creek: Broadway Plaza’s Earth Day Celebration – Take the pledge to use reusable bags each time you shop and receive a free reusable shopping bag, then you can visit the Pixie Pop-Ups Flower Truck to build your own beautiful bouquet. 11am-2pm, Event Plaza at Broadway Plaza.
  • Walnut Creek: Parkmead Neighborhood Earth Day Cleanup – Meet at the Tice Creek Elementary School parking lot from 9-11:30am. Groups will head out on pick-up routes that hit the highest litter areas, like Olympic, South Main, Tice Creek and Parkmead Schools. 9-11:30am, Tice Creek Elementary.
  • Walnut Creek: Unity of Walnut Creek – Tending Our Sacred Grounds – During the event, volunteers can enjoy an Earth Day ceremony, help clean up the grounds, and are welcome to bring a potluck item to share with others who care about the environment. 10am-1pm Cleanup projects. 1-2pm: Plant-based potluck. Unity Center of Walnut Creek, 1871 Geary Rd.

Sunday, April 21

  • Emeryville: Shorebird Park Shoreline Cleanup – Come out to Shorebird Park on Sunday, any time from 9am-11:30am. Snacks and refreshments provided. As always, bring what you can (e.g. gloves, grabber, garden digging claw). Organizers will have limited supplies for those who show up without any of the above. Shorebird Park, 9-11:30am.
  • Lafayette: Lafayette Earth Day Festival – Learn how you can help our planet at a family-friendly festival featuring free bike tune-ups, a petting zoo, kids’ activities, educational exhibits, food vendors, and more. Lafayette Plaza Park, 11am-2pm.

Monday, April 22

  • Walnut Creek: Climate Walk – Hosted by Sustainable Walnut Creek, enjoy a captivating tour around the city’s cherished creek, where you’ll witness firsthand the fruitful outcomes of various initiatives aimed at revitalizing the native plant life and enhancing the local ecosystem. 9-11am, Civic Park Gazebo.

Saturday, April 27

  • Pleasant Hill: Grayson Creek Earth Day Cleanup – Grayson Creek is home to more than 100 bird species and also provides habitat for river otters, western pond turtles, and even beavers. Help protect this important community resource by removing trash from the creek banks. Hosted by the Watershed Project, the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District, and volunteers from Friends of Pleasant Hill Creeks. Click here to register. Cleanup 9am-noon. Sign in at 250 Cleaveland Rd.

Bike to Work Day 2023

About Bike to Work Day 2023

May is National Bike Month and Thursday, May 18, is Bike to Work Day. Start your work day with fresh air and exercise! Enjoy meeting other cyclists and pick up free goodies at various Energizer Stations along your route.

Tips: Getting Ready to Bike Commute

Don’t feel like you’ll be ‘road ready’ in time for Bike to Work Day? Preparing to bike commute isn’t as difficult as you might think. Take a little time to get familiar with your bike, figure out how to carry your stuff, and find a good route or even a bike buddy.

Take the guesswork out of preparing for May 18 with our Six Tips & Tricks to Get You Ready for Bike To Work Day!

Bike + BART: Taking Your Bike on Board

If commuting all the way from home to work seems daunting, it’s not cheating to make the distance more manageable by adding BART to your commute. Although bikes are always allowed on BART, there are some rules to be aware of:

  • Bikes are never allowed on crowded cars
  • Bikes are not allowed in the first car
  • Bikes are not allowed in the first three cars during commute hours
  • Folded bikes are always allowed in all cars
  • Bicyclists must use elevators or stairs, not escalators

To read the full list of rules, visit the Bikes on BART webpage.

Bike Mapper: Choose the Route Best for You

511 Contra Costa’s Bike Mapper lets you create a custom bike route by choosing from three hill tolerances and three types of routes: bike paths, bike lanes, or the most direct route. Find other bike maps and resources here.

Pledge to Ride on Bike to Work Day

Pledge to ride on Bike to Work Day – Thursday, May 18 – and you’ll receive a map of energizer stations, a digital goodie bag, and routes to ride to celebrate the day. On Bike to Work Day, you’ll be joining thousands of fellow cyclists as they pedal to work, school, or wherever.

Rebates and Incentives for Biking

511 Contra Costa offers a variety of incentives for biking more, especially for commuting by bike:

  • Drive Less by replacing just one car commute a week with biking and receive your choice of $25 gift cards.
  • Pledge to try biking to work and we’ll send you a $20 BikeLink card to help you Secure Your Cycle with a countywide network of electronic bike lockers.
  • Buy a new e-bike and apply for an E-Bike Rebate of up to $500.
  • Register to get a free Guaranteed Ride Home if you experience an emergency on a day you biked to work.

Road Safety Quiz

Find out how well you know the rules of the road by taking our Road Safety Quiz. Everyone who completes the quiz will be entered in a drawing for one of twenty $20 Starbucks gift cards. Winners will be notified on May 31.

Warm Up with Classes or Group Rides

You’ll find everything from social rides to classes geared towards improving your confidence on the bike on our Bike Events page.

Video Highlights from Bike To Work Day 2018

Wondering what Bike To Work Day is like? Check out the video below.

Video Credit: Ford Tivakul

Employers: Tips on Encouraging Bike Commuting

If you’re an employer and want to inspire more of your employees to commute by bike, we can help! Our 2023 Bike to Work Day Employer Toolkit shares ideas and resources to encourage your employees to get out and ride during Bike Month. We also have great strategies and employer resources for making your workplace bike-commute friendly year round.

Energizer Stations: Contra Costa

On Bike to Work Day, more than 45 Contra Costa energizer stations will welcome riders with a free canvas tote, snacks, and good vibes as they bike to work – or wherever. Whether you are an everyday rider or trying a bike commute for the first time, everyone is welcome.

Sponsors & Media Kit

511 Contra Costa has supported cyclists and Energizer Station hosts throughout Contra Costa County since 2001 using Bay Area Air Quality Management District funds and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s half-cent sales tax for transportation funds. Bike to Work Day 2023 is presented by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and

To help you promote your involvement in Bike Month (aka Bike to Wherever Days) and the Bay Area’s Bike to Work Day on Thursday, May 18, we’ve put together a media kit with promotional copy and graphics.

Contra Costa Earth Day Events 2023

Earth Day Events

All Month

  • Iron Horse Trail or Online: Go With The Flow – A biking (or walking) tour of Central San’s service area, following the flow of wastewater for 21 miles along the Iron Horse Regional Trail from San Ramon to Martinez. Explore all or part of the route in person, or travel it virtually with the guided map tour.
  • Lafayette, Moraga, Orinda: Lamorinda Zero Waste Challenge – A fun, free and friendly competition between the cities of Lafayette, Orinda, and Moraga. Sustainable Contra Costa will provide a weekly set of two simple and impactful actions. Each time a participant submits an action shot, they’ll be entered into that week’s drawing for amazing local gift cards. April 3-May 14.

Saturday, April 15

  • El Cerrito: El Cerrito Earth Day & Appreciation Lunch – Residents can volunteer at work parties across the city, helping clean up and beautify the city, starting at 9am, followed by a volunteer appreciation luncheon at the El Cerrito Community Center from noon to 1:30pm.
  • Online: Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour – In a series of live garden visits passionate garden owners will take you on private tours of their gardens. In addition, you can learn about the must-have plants for your garden, how to create a pollinator pathway, how to garden for birds, butterflies and bees, and more. 10am-3pm, Zoom or YouTube.

Sunday, April 16

  • Online: Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour – In a series of live garden visits passionate garden owners will take you on private tours of their gardens. In addition, you can learn about the must-have plants for your garden, how to create a pollinator pathway, how to garden for birds, butterflies and bees, and more. 10am-3pm, Zoom or YouTube.

Saturday, April 22

  • Antioch: RecycleSmart Annual Compost Giveaway – Alamo, Diablo, Danville, and Walnut Creek residents can register in advance to pick up free compost at Creekside Community Church in Alamo. 9am-2pm.
  • East Bay Regional Parks: Visit the EBRPD Earth Day Programs & Activities Page to see what outdoor events are happening Earth Day weekend.
  • El Sobrante: Earth Day Cleanup & Celebration – Join the El Sobrante/94803 Green Team and SPAWNERS at the El Sobrante Library for their annual cleanup and celebration. Sign in and join Green Teams to clean up streets or SPAWNERS to clean up creeks. A celebration will follow the cleanup, featuring food, children’s art activities, entertainment, speakers, electric car and bike demos, and more. Cleanup 9:30am-12pm / Celebration 12-2pm, El Sobrante Library.
  • Martinez: John Muir Birthday – Earth Day – A wonderful fun-filled family day in the sun, at the grounds of the John Muir National Historic Site, which includes his 1880s Victorian home and an authentic 1849 Mexican Adobe, along with his orchards and vineyard. There will be food and live music along with many displays relating to history, ecology, and nature. 10am-4pm, John Muir Historic Site.
  • Martinez: Earth Day Rocks – The Martinez Public Library is hosting a make-and-take craft event for teens and tweens all day (9am-5pm) Saturday, April 22. For each participant, they will supply a rounded rock, 3 paint colors, and a paintbrush, which they can use to paint animal faces, a flower, an insect, a message to the earth or whatever else they like. 9am-5pm, Martinez Library, 740 Court St.
  • Oakley: Earth Day Community Clean-Up at Dutch Slough – River Partners and the California Department of Water Resources are hosting a community clean-up event at Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration. This is a great opportunity to connect with nature, get your hands dirty, and learn about the beautiful freshwater tidal marsh. RSVP required. Bring a water bottle, work gloves, sturdy shoes, a hat, and layers. 9am-12pm, Dutch Slough Tidal Marsh Restoration, 7199 Sellers Ave.
  • Pinole: Pinole Earth Walk – A three-mile paved loop walk beginning and ending in Fernandez Park. Snacks and refreshments will be provided at the finish line, and there will be kids’ activities and local environmental organizations to connect with. 9am, Fernandez Park.
  • Pinole: Point Pinole Beach Cleanup – Join the East Bay Regional Park District to celebrate Earth Day at Point Pinole with a shoreline Cleanup. 9am-12pm, Giant Highway Staging Area.
  • Pleasant Hill: Pleasant Hill Instructional Garden – Expert talks, informative displays, a garden tour, and hands-on demonstrations to understand how small efforts can make a difference to help the Earth, reduce our impact on climate change, and improve sustainable practices. 12:30-4:30pm, Pleasant Hill Instructional Garden, Santa Barbara Rd & Hawthorne Rd.
  • Richmond: Earth Day Celebration // Celebración del Día de la Tierra – This celebration honors the achievements of the environmental movement and raises awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources. 9-11:15am: Different volunteer activites at 3 locations. 12-1pm: Community celebration at Unity Park with games, speakers, bike-powered smoothies, a petting zoo, food trucks, and live music. Unity Park (1605 Ohio Ave).
  • Richmond: Richmond-San Rafael Bridge Trail Ride – Rich City Rides will lead a ride across the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge to honor Earth Day and celebrate Trails Day. Meeting at the Richmond BART plaza at 2:30pm and rolling out at 3pm. 3pm, Richmond BART.
  • Richmond: The Watershed Project’s Earth Day of Action and Celebration – The Watershed Project will be hosting a Creek Cleanup at Wildcat Creek and a Native Plant Garden Planting at 320 Grove Ave, then moving to the North Richmond Ballpark for celebrations and family-friendly games and activities. 9am-12:30pm.
  • Walnut Creek: Walnut Creek Earth Day. Live music, speakers, and a kids’ eco art zone. Civic Park, 11am-2.
  • Walnut Creek: Broadway Plaza’s Earth Day Celebration – Take the pledge to use reusable bags each time you shop and receive a free reusable shopping bag then get to visit the Pixie Pop-Ups Flower Truck to build your own beautiful bouquet. There will also be face painting for the kids. 11am-3pm, Event Plaza at Broadway Plaza.
  • Walnut Creek: Downtown Earth Day Beautification Project – Join a team of over 60 volunteers and show off your artistic side by contributing to the “Painted Pianos!” project. 9am-1pm, Downtown Walnut Creek.
  • Walnut Creek: Parkmead Neighborhood Earth Day Cleanup – Meet at the Tice Creek Elementary School parking lot from 9-11:30am. Groups will head out on pick-up routes that will hit the highest litter areas, including Olympic, South Main, Tice Creek and Parkmead Schools. 9-11:30am, Tice Creek Elementary.
  • Walnut Creek: Unity of Walnut Creek – Tending Our Sacred Grounds – During the event, volunteers can enjoy an Earth Day ceremony, clean up the grounds including the Labyrinth at 1871 Geary Rd and feel free to bring a potluck item to join others who care about the environment. 1:15-3:30pm Cleanup projects. 4-5pm: Plant-based potluck. 1-5pm, Unity Center of Walnut Creek, 1871 Geary Rd.

Sunday, April 23

  • Concord: Lime Ridge Open Space Earth Day Celebration – Volunteers are needed to plant native trees, shrubs, and wildflowers, as well as to work watering, picking up litter, removing invasive non-native plants, and spreading mulch. There will be a nature walk also. Bring gloves. 9am-12pm, Lime Ridge Open Space Community Building, 3701 Treat Blvd.
  • Emeryville: Shorebird Park Shoreline Cleanup – Come on out Sunday any time from 9am-noon. Snacks and refreshments provided. Meet at Shorebird Park. As always, bring what you can (e.g. gloves, grabber, garden digging claw). Organizers will have limited supplies for those who show up without any of the above. Shorebird Park, 9am-noon.
  • Lafayette: Lafayette Earth Day Festival – Learn how you can help our planet at a family-friendly festival featuring kids’ activities, educational exhibits, a petting zoo, food vendors, and more. Lafayette Plaza Park, 11am-2pm.

Free Richmond Ferry Fest – June 11

Enjoy free ferry rides, live music, food trucks, and more at the first-ever Richmond Ferry Fest on Saturday, June 11. The outdoor festival will take place at the Richmond ferry terminal from 9am to 3pm. It’s free to attend and all are welcome. Registration is recommended.

What to Expect: Food trucks, live music, free harbor ferry rides, local vendors, raffles and giveaways. Bike East Bay will host a free Bike Rodeo (safety class) for kids. The Richmond Promise 5K happening on June 11 will end at the Richmond Ferry Fest.

Getting There: If you’re traveling by bike, you can use the Bay Trail to get to the Richmond Ferry terminal. AC Transit’s Route 74 can drop you right at the event. For those who drive, overflow parking will be provided.

More Information: For full details on the Richmond Ferry Fest, visit the official event page.

Contra Costa Earth Day Events 2022

Earth Day Events

Wednesday, April 20

  • Richmond: Drive Electric Event and E-Shuttle Launch – Join the City of Richmond for an outdoor event celebrating Earth Day and driving electric. The event will feature the official launch of Richmond MOVES, the city’s first electric on-demand shuttle service. The celebration will also offer attendees opportunities to learn about financing and rebate options for electric vehicles and electric bikes. Get information about the city’s various electric mobility programs, and meet electric vehicle owners and check out their vehicles. Richmond Civic Center, 450 Civic Center Plaza, 11:30am-1pm.

Friday, April 22

Saturday, April 23

  • East Bay Regional Parks: In-Person Volunteer Projects – Since 1970 people have been celebrating the environmental movement by participating in volunteer events on and around Earth Day. Volunteer events in parks on April 23 include ones in Richmond and Oakley. Locations: Big Break, Point Pinole, Wildcat Canyon.
  • Orinda: Miramonte HS Campus Cleanup – Take part in a campus-wide cleanup and beautification day. Volunteers are needed to work shifts of two or four hours between 9am and 1pm. Both gardening and clean-up projects will be tackled. Miramonte HS, 750 Moraga Way, 9am-1pm.
  • Richmond: Earth Day at Greenway Gardens – Celebrate with activities for the entire family, including mural painting, planting a flower garden, beautifying the playground, and watershed swale planting and weeding. Unity Park Community Plaza, 16th St & Ohio Ave, 10am-2pm.
  • Richmond: Verde Elementary SR2S Paint Day – Volunteers will paint sidewalks from Verde School to Shields-Reid Center with stencils. Tools will be provided. Free food for volunteers. 2000 Giaramita St, 3-5pm.
  • Richmond: Wildcat Creek Cleanup – Show your love for the earth by helping to restore Wildcat Creek. Join friends and neighbors in removing trash and debris that harms wildlife and learn about plans to restore habitat for rainbow trout. Tools and gloves will be supplied. Lucky A’s North Richmond Baseball Field, 1925 Fred Jackson Way, 9am-11am.
  • Walnut Creek: Earth Day at the Ruth Bancroft Garden – Celebrate Earth Day at the Garden on April 23. Water conservation and sustainability have always been a part of the Garden’s mission, and they want to spend Earth Day with the community. This is a free event that is open to the public, so feel free to bring your friends, family, and pets. Ruth Bancroft Garden, 1552 Bancroft Rd, 10am-1pm.
  • Walnut Creek: Broadway Plaza’s Earth Day Celebration & Denim Drive – Join Broadway Plaza for an Earth Day Fair focused on raising awareness about the importance of protecting our planet. The Assistance League of Diablo Valley (ALDV) will be hosting a denim drive at the event. Bring your gently used denim and receive a reusable tote bag, while supplies last. Event Plaza, 1275 Broadway Plaza, 11am-2pm.

Saturday, April 30

  • Lafayette: Lafayette Earth Day Celebration – Learn how you can be a hero for our planet at a family-friendly festival featuring kids activities, educational exhibits, a petting zoo, an electric vehicle show, food vendors, and more. Golden Gate Way by the Lafayette Library, 11am-2pm.



Free Test Drives of EVs & E-Bikes at DVC’s Pleasant Hill Campus on October 25

If you’ve been considering getting an electric vehicle, bicycle, or scooter, Diablo Valley College (DVC) is the place to be on Monday, October 25.

The DVC Pleasant Hill Campus will be hosting a test drive event, giving attendees the opportunity to test drive new and used EVs, and test ride e-bikes and e-scooters.

The event also offers:

  • Free food from the DVC Culinary Department for the first 100 test drivers.
  • Information on credits, rebates, grants and loans which help make EVs and e-bikes more affordable.
  • The opportunity to talk with local EV drivers and e-bike riders.

People looking to test ride bikes and scooters can simply visit the Ridepanda E-bike Showcase and Test Ride Zone to try them out. Attendees interested in driving EVs need to select a 30-minute test drive time slot when registering. Note: Individuals must be 21 or over and have a current drivers license and proof of vaccination to drive an EV.

E-Bike Buyer Bonus: Event attendees will receive a promo code for a $100 credit at good toward the purchase of a new e-bike. This offer will be valid for the first 5 Contra Costa residents who use the code before November 8. You can learn more about this bonus offer at the event.

All attendees are asked to register. If you’re planning on taking a test drive, you’ll want to register now and lock in your time slot before they’re all gone.

This event is sponsored by 511 Contra Costa, DVC Sustainability Committee, Charge Across Town, Drive Clean Bay Area, and Ridepanda.

California Clean Air Day – October 6

October 6 is California Clean Air Day – an annual day of action to improve air quality across California. Small actions on your part can help make a big difference.

The Pledge

One of the key elements of the event is the Clean Air Pledge. By taking it, individuals and organizations commit to doing their part to help clean the air on October 6, through actions both big and small.

If you take the Clean Air Pledge as an individual or household, you select actions to take from three main categories: Switching Things Out, Planting Something, and Reducing Vehicle Use. For example, you might choose to change your home air filter, plant a tree, or take public transit to work instead of driving. How many action items you choose is completely up to you.

Here’s a sample of actions you can choose from:

There’s also a Clean Air Pledge for Kids (with more actions to choose from on the website):

Organizations and businesses can take the pledge, choosing which business practices to modify and educational efforts to undertake for Clean Air Day. Not only will participating organizations be listed on the Clean Air Day website, but employers can get a count of how many employees have decided to take the Clean Air Pledge as individuals.

Local Events

The California Clean Air Day website has a list of events, some leading up to October 6 and some on Clean Air Day. Here are some events happening locally:

Other Ways to Get Involved

If you’re looking for other ways to get involved in California Clean Air Day, here are some ideas:

Every Little Bit Helps

No matter how small you might think an action is, like not idling your engine or adding a plant to your office, it all adds up. Contributing to better air quality is easier than you might think. So consider taking the Clean Air Pledge an committing to at least one action on October 6 and be an active part of California Clean Air Day.

The 2020 Summer Bike Challenge is Here

Looking for free summer activities that are fun for the whole family? Check out 511CC’s Summer Bike Challenge.

Available in Antioch, Clayton, Concord, Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Pittsburg, Oakley, and Brentwood, the Challenge offers healthy fun for all ages, and the best part: it’s completely free. Participating is easy: Download a printable Challenge Card, hop on a bike, and explore your hometown. Bike to each destination and cross off squares as you go.

For safety and social distancing, we’re suspending our popular “Free Stuff!” pop-up events this summer. Instead, send us a selfie from your favorite Challenge Square destination to win a Free Stuff prize by email.

Ready to roll? Get started here.

Participate at Home: Daily Activities for Earth Week 2020

This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. In 1969, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson came up with the idea of a day focused on environmental awareness after witnessing the destruction caused by a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara. On April 22, 1970, fed largely by student activism, 20 million Americans demonstrated for a healthy, sustainable environment with coast-to-coast rallies.

Join us in celebrating Earth Day all week long with our list of daily activities:

Monday, April 20: Earth Day Crafts from Recycled Materials

Create seed bombs, make a quilt from old clothes, construct a hanging garden, or choose a different craft project using recycled materials in honor of Earth Day. Select from 30 different projects, or come up with one of your own.

Tuesday, April 21: Earth Facts – Test Your Knowledge

Discover how much you know about our planet with quizzes on a variety of subjects. Test your knowledge on climate change, our oceans, the environment, and clean energy. Select your quiz.

Wednesday, April 22 (Earth Day): Join the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge 

Happy Earth Day! Today is the perfect day sign up for the Cleaner Contra Costa Challenge. Through it, you’ll find earth friendly, money-saving actions you can take to create a cleaner and healthier environment, including 29 activities you can do right at home.

To participate, visit to create a profile, then join the 511 Contra Costa Community Group. Begin designing your action plan today so you can prepare to reduce your vehicle emissions when it’s time to get back to commuting. Also consider talking to your employer about continuing to work from home, finding a carpool partner, or mapping out the best route for biking to work.

Thursday, April 23: Earth Day Books for Kids

Celebrate Earth Week with the kids! Browse Contra Costa County Library’s online recommendations for getting young people excited about our protecting our planet and improving our environment.

Friday, April 24: Natural Soundscapes

Happy Friday! Experience the sounds of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks, courtesy of the U.S. National Park Service.

Here’s just a sample of what you’ll find on the full Sound Tour:

Enter the Summer Bike Challenge 2019 Grand Prize Drawing by Sept. 3

Click here to enter the grand prize drawing!


Looking for free summer activities that are fun for the whole family? Check out 511CC’s Summer Bike Challenge!

Available in Concord, Martinez, Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Pittsburg, Oakley, and Brentwood, the Challenge offers healthy fun for all ages, and the best part: it’s completely free.

Participating is easy: Download a printable Challenge Card, hop on a bike, and start exploring your hometown. Bike to each destination, cross off squares as you go, and pick up Free Stuff on select dates throughout summer. Free Stuff events are planned June 1–August 6. Mark your calendar today!

Ready to roll? Get started here.


Free Stuff & Other Reasons to Get Excited for Bike To Work Day 2019

The Bay Area’s 25th Annual Bike To Work Day is less than 3 weeks away, and there’s a lot to get excited about!

What’s In Store

Free Stuff on May 9th: If you know anything about the biggest bike commuting day of the year, you probably know bike commuters can visit Energizer Stations on the way to work. It’s your chance to pick up a Bike To Work Day bag filled with goodies, plus you can grab some snacks and encouragement. Check out our Energizer Station list & map to find an Energizer Station on your route to work.

Pledge to Ride & Enter to Win a Trip to Alaska: That’s right, if you sign our Pledge to Ride form, which lets us know you’ll be biking to work May 9, not only will you automatically be entered in a drawing for a spiffy new 2019 Bike To Work Day t-shirt, you’ll also have the opportunity to enter a drawing for a trip to Alaska’s Kenai Peninsula, courtesy of Exodus Travel and Alaska Airlines. Find out more!

Party Down After Work on May 9: At the end of the work day, we want to celebrate you for biking to work! Swing by a Bike To Work Day ‘Happy Hour’ for lots of fun: enjoy free live music and more at Bike Concord’s Bike Party at Todos Santos Plaza from 4-8pm, make free fruit smoothies on 511 Contra Costa’s Blender Bikes from 4-6:30pm on the Iron Horse/Canal Trail intersection in Walnut Creek, or check out the new Richmond Business Hub & Food Hall starting at 4:30pm. You’ll find the Happy Hours marked with a yellow icon on our Energizer Station map.

Stay in the Loop

We’ve got lots of news about Bike To Work Day to share between now and May 9, so make sure to stay connected! Bookmark our Bike To Work Day information page, which gets regular updates, and follow us on Twitter or Facebook. We’ll see you out biking to work on May 9!

2019 Earth Day Events

Earth Day is Monday, April 22! We’ve pulled together a list of Earth Day celebrations in Contra Costa, happening through Sunday, April 28.

If you see a ☀ next to an event listing, it means 511 Contra Costa staff will have a table at the event. Say hello, pick up some 511CC swag & get info on bonuses for trying an alternative (and environmentally friendly) commute.

Click any link below for additional information

Earth Day Events

Saturday, April 20

  • AntiochUpper Sand Creek Basin – Spend the morning in the beautiful Upper Sand Creek watershed, exploring an area that is usually closed to the public. Volunteer activities include trash pickup, invasive species removal, and planting native flora. Upper Sand Creek Basin, 6600 Deer Valley Rd, 9am-12pm.
  • Clayton: Clayton Cleans Up – Community clean-up day; volunteers check in at Clayton City Hall. Various locations. 9am-12pm (Must complete registration form; for more info call the Pioneer at (925) 672-0500.
  • Crockett: Crockett Shoreline Cleanup – Join the Carquinez Watershed Council in a celebration of Earth Day. The Carquinez Regional Environmental Education Center will be hosting a free planting party for the whole family; volunteers will be cleaning up trash and doing a trash assessment at the site. Crockett Shoreline, 10am-2pm.
  • Martinez ☀: John Muir Birthday–Earth Day Celebration511CC staff will be giving each person who bikes to the event a $5 Jamba Juice gift card. Celebrate pioneering naturalist John Muir’s 181st birthday at his former home while learning practical ways to help the planet thrive. There will be live music, activities for the kids and other entertainment. John Muir National Historic Site, 10am-4pm. 511CC giving people who bike to the event $5 Jamba Juice gift cards
  • Port CostaPort Costa Earth Day Cleanup – Meet at the café in Port Costa for coffee and snacks in the morning, followed by an Earth Day cleanup of the Port Costa Shoreline! 2 Canyon Lake Dr, Port Costa, 9am-12pm.
  • RichmondNorth Richmond Earth Day Cleanup & Celebration – Help clean up Wildcat Creek at Verde Elementary School. After the creek cleanup, enjoy the North Richmond Earth Day Celebration at Shields-Reid Park and Community Center including food, live performances, kids activities, and more! The Watershed Project will be hosting fun and educational watershed activities for kids of all ages. Cleanup 9-11am, festival 11am-2pm.

Sunday, April 21

Monday, April 22

  • Pleasant Hill ☀: Diablo Valley College Earth Day – Meet the experts, ask questions, and learn what you can do to be more sustainable. Live entertainment, giveaways, and free food. All are welcome. Commons at DVC, 321 Golf Club Rd, 11am-2pm. 

Tuesday, April 23

Wednesday, April 24

  • Concord ☀: ASI Earth Week Festival – Celebrate sustainability and Mother Earth on the CSUEB Concord campus! Talk with featured organizations and enjoy music, food, and giveaways. In front of CSUEB Concord University Union, 4700 Ygnacio Valley Rd, 11am-2pm.
  • Moraga: Saint Mary’s Earth Day Festival – Enjoy over 20 booths, including an electric vehicle car show, the Global Gael food truck, yoga, music, art, and more. Celebrate the Earth and learn about environmental issues and solutions. St. Mary’s College, De La Salle Hall, 1928 St. Mary’s Road, 12:30pm-3pm.
  • Pittsburg ☀Los Medanos College Earth Day Fair – An opportunity to learn about environmental organizations, their work, and how to live in an environmentally friendly way. The Sierra Club will be hosting a table to share information about the work they do and outings they sponsor. Los Medanos College Campus Quad, 2700 E Leland Rd, 10am-1pm.

Saturday, April 27

  • Orinda: Orinda Action Day – A day of community service by residents and friends. Volunteers check in at the Orinda Library Plaza. Orinda Library Plaza, 26 Orinda Way, 10am-12pm.

Sunday, April 28

  • Lafayette: Lafayette Earth Day Festival – Discover opportunities to make environmentally friendly choices at the festival. Several organizations will host informative and educational booths including the Girl Scouts, the Climate Reality Project, and Wheel Kids Bicycle Club. Lucia’s, a popular Berkeley pizzeria, will offer regular, vegan and gluten-free pizzas for purchase. Lafayette Library, 3491 Mt Diablo Blvd, 11am-2pm.
  • Orinda: Wagner Ranch Wildlife Festival – Enjoy free admission to the beautiful historic ranch and 18-acre nature preserve, rarely open to the public. Join a variety of activities for all ages: wildlife fun at the Frog Pond, animals to visit in the garden, tours of the meadows, and live music. You’re also welcome to bring a picnic lunch or visit one of four food trucks. Wagner Ranch Nature Area, 350 Camino Pablo, 11:30am-4:30pm.
  • Walnut Creek: Lindsay Wildlife Experience Eco Fest – Meet wild animals – like falcons and porcupines, check out an electric car showcase, learn about sustainable food choices, and more! Lindsay Wildlife Experience, 1931 First Ave, 10am-5pm.

Monday, April 22 – Saturday, April 27: Cal State East Bay Earth Week

  • Concord: Earth Week is free & open to the public, with events including talks, tree planting days, free lunch (bring your own utensils), a scavenger hunt & more. Check the schedule for times & locations.



BART to Antioch Service Starts May 2018

BART service to Antioch began in May 2018 with the official opening of two new stations: Antioch & Pittsburg Center.

Using the New BART to Antioch Service

No Park & Ride at the New Stations: Park & Ride parking is not available for bus patrons, carpools, ride sharing, etc. at the Antioch and Pittsburg Center stations. The Brentwood Park & Ride lot serviced by Tri Delta Transit offers free Park & Ride parking.
Transferring at Pittsburg/Bay Point Station: The East Contra Costa BART Extension trains run on their own tracks and connect with the existing BART system at a Transfer Platform just east of the Pittsburg Bay Point Station. At the Transfer Platform, riders simply exit one train and walk across the platform to board the other train. BART passengers trying to reach the Pittsburg Center Station or the Antioch Station will remain in the BART train to reach the Transfer Platform.
Train Technology: The new trains are Diesel Multiple Units or DMU train cars. They meet the US Government’s strictest emissions standards and use renewable diesel, an advanced biofuel produced from bio-based sources such as vegetable oil. The extension will be able to carry an estimated 2,400 people in each direction, per hour, during rush hours.

Bike to Work Day 2018

With funding from the Contra Costa Transportation Authority and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, we were excited to provide support to cyclists and volunteer ambassadors of clean-air commuting at over 50+ Energizer Stations in Contra Costa County.

Tips: Getting Ready to Bike Commute
Don’t feel like you’ll be ‘road ready’ in time for Bike To Work Day? Preparing to bike commute isn’t as difficult as you might think.

Taking a little time to get familiar with your bike, figure out how to carry your stuff & find a good route (or even a bike buddy) can make things much easier.

Take the guesswork out of preparing for May 10 with our Six Tips & Tricks to Get You Ready for Bike To Work Day!

Laura Davis: Contra Costa Bike Commuter of the Year
Laura Davis is a nurse practitioner at an orthopedic clinic in Walnut Creek who commutes 10 miles by bike each day. She takes advantage of biking trails, including the Contra Costa, Iron Horse, and Canal trails, to ride comfortably across town.

Laura started bike commuting as an undergraduate at Stanford University, riding between classes and her dorm. During a summer home, she began cycling as cross-training for swimming, where she found she was able to combine her passions for health, exercise, and the environment and fell in love cycling as a result.

A strong advocate for preventing injuries before they occur, Laura educates her patients about how to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. She’s even been known to jump into the on-site gym with patients to motivate and exercise alongside them.

Laura’s advice for people interested in biking to work?

“Just do it! Exercise always makes you feel better. You’ll never regret it and you’re not polluting the environment we all live in.”

Bike Mapper: Choose the Route Best for You”
511 Contra Costa’s Bike Mapper is an innovative bicycle mapping system designed to find the flattest, most direct, or fastest route anywhere in Contra Costa. Read more about the 511CC Interactive Bike Mapper here, or check out our selection of free paper and online bike maps.

Employers: Tips on Encouraging Bike Commuting
Are you an employer who wants to inspire more employees to commute by bike?

Find great strategies for promoting bike commuting year-round at For tips on how to get more people riding on Bike To Work Day, download the Employer Toolkit!

Caltrans District 4 Bike Plan – Take the 2017 Survey!

Caltrans has set a target to triple bicycling by 2020, but in order to make that happen, they need your help!
The Caltrans District 4 Bicycle Plan, which is currently being created, will guide California’s decision makers in developing bicycle projects and programs. With over 2200 miles of road under their management, Caltrans is relying on local feedback to let them know what residents feel is and isn’t working and what improvements they’d like to see.
Completing the Bike Plan survey will assist Caltrans with their mission to build bicycle facilities that are safe, comfortable and convenient. These expanded and upgraded facilities will:

  • Improve public health and promote active lifestyles
  • Create connections that allow people to bike to work, school, or transit, and
  • Reduce traffic congestion and greenhouse gas emissions

Caltrans want to hear from as many residents as possible, so please take the survey and help spread the word!


Bike to Work Day is a promotional event to encourage the use of a bicycle instead of a car

About Bike To Work Day

On Thursday, May 11, almost 10,000 Bay Area cyclists celebrated National Bike Month by commuting to work by bicycle! 400+ Energizer Stations were set up dwhere cyclists could stop for refreshments and promotional items.
511 Contra Costa has supported cyclists and Energizer Station hosts throughout Contra Costa County since 2001 using Bay Area Air Quality Management District funds and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s half-cent sales tax for transportation funds.
Bike to Work Day 2017 was presented by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, 511 and Kaiser Permanente.  Regional sponsors included the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), Clear Channel Outdoor and Clif Bar.

Wondering what Bike To Work Day looked like across Contra Costa? Click any thumbnail below to access our gallery of photos from energizer stations across the county, or view them on Facebook. We also suggest visiting the photo gallery at (Note: As energizer stations hosts send in photos, we’ll be adding them. If you have photos to share, email them to!)

Morning Energizer Stations

Brentwood: City Park at 2nd & Oak St – Host: Delta Pedalers Bicycle Club

Concord BART Station – Host: Bank of America & TRC Solutions

Concord: Monument Corridor Trail at Monument Blvd – Host: City of Concord

Martinez: Imhoff Pl & Imhoff Dr (Central San HQ) – Host: Central San

Martinez: John Muir National Historic Site – Host: John Muir National Historic Site

Walnut Creek: Contra Costa Canal Trail off of N Wiget Ln – Host: Renaissance ClubSport

Walnut Creek: Iron Horse & Contra Costa Canal Trail – Hosts: 511CCCCTAEBRPD

Walnut Creek: Olympic Blvd & Newell Ave – Host: .

=”” <strong=””>Walnut Creek: Walnut Creek BART – Host: Bike Walnut Creek

Walnut Creek: Walnut Creek City Hall – Host: City of Walnut Creek

Afternoon Energizer Stations

Concord: Todos Santos Plaza – Host: Bike Concord

Walnut Creek: Iron Horse & Contra Costa Canal Trail – Hosts: 511CCCCTAEBRPD

Walnut Creek: Walnut Creek BART – Host: Bike Walnut Creek

Any Day Can Be Bike to Work Day

1st time biking to work PHill to San RamonBike To Work Day is a great time to try commuting by bike, but it doesn’t have to be the only day you give it a shot! Just remember: Biking to work is all about what works for you. Maybe the weather, or having a bike buddy, or the copious amounts of stuff you have to haul on a bike factors into your decision to cycle to work, and that’s okay!
Biking to work should be enjoyable, so pick days when riding seems fun and reasonable, then go for it. Do that and you might find yourself planning more rides to work. Just like these first-time Bike To Work Day participants.

Tips: Preparing to Bike Commute

Need help getting ready to ride to work? Preparing for a bike commute isn’t as difficult as you might think. Taking a little time to get familiar with your bike, figure out how to carry your stuff & find a good route (or even a bike buddy) can make things much easier.
Take the guesswork out of preparing with our Tips & Tricks for Bike Commuting!

Isabella Zizi: 2017 Contra Costa Bike Commuter of the Year

Bike Party is what made Isabella Zizi start riding as an adult. That’s where “I broke in my orange ’70s Peugeot and introduced it to the fun.” Those rides opened the door to her commuting by bike, and she now regularly uses her bike to commute the six miles to Gathering Tribes in Albany, a Native American arts, crafts & jewelry store.
For Isabella, biking is more than just transportation, it provides a link to her community and its history. These days she rides the Richmond Greenway, but she used to live by it before it was green. “It was just dirt and rocks, and now it has been transformed. I love the connections it provides. The edible garden, the murals, it is so cool to see everything come to life and be open to the whole community.” During rides around Richmond, she also builds connections with her neighbors and strengthens friendships with other riders.
To get further inspired, read the rest of Isabella’s story and the stories of other 2017 Bike Commuter of the Year winners at!

Bike Mapper: Choose the Route Best for You

511 Contra Costa’s Bike Mapper is an innovative bicycle mapping system designed to find the flattest, most direct, or fastest route anywhere in Contra Costa. Read more about the 511CC Interactive Bike Mapper here, or check out our selection of free paper and online bike maps.

Employers: Tips on Encouraging Bike Commuting

If you’re an employer and want to inspire more of your employees to commute by bike, we can help! You’ll find some great strategies on promoting bike commuting year-round when you download the Bike To Work Day Employer Toolkit!

Thanks to Our 2017 Energizer Station Hosts!

Bike to School Day 2016

National Bike to School Day 2016 is Wednesday, May 4, and Street Smarts Diablo is sponsoring Bike to School events throughout Contra Costa all spring long.
Why bike? It’s fun, it’s healthy, it reduces traffic, and it’s pollution-free! Students are reminded to use Street Smarts to stay safe while biking, skateboarding, or riding scooters to school:

      • Wear helmets
      • Ride on the right side of the road (go in the same direction as traffic)
      • Stop at red lights and stop signs, and
      • Make eye contact with other drivers

Parents are reminded to use Street Smarts while driving in the 25 MPH school zone. Your children – and their classmates – are worth the extra time it takes to drive safely.

2016 Participating Elementary Schools:

Bel Air Elementary (Bay Point): Tue., April 26
Rio Vista Elementary (Bay Point): Tue., April 26
Shore Acres Elementary (Bay Point): Tue., April 26
Valle Verde Elementary (Walnut Creek): Wed., May 4
Walnut Acres Elementary (Walnut Creek): Wed., May 4

2016 Participating Middle Schools:

Martin Luther King Jr. Junior High School (Pittsburg): Wed., April 6
Antioch Middle School: Thu., April 21
Pine Hollow Middle School: (Concord): Tue., April 26
Pleasant Hill Middle School Thu., April 28
Martinez Junior High School: Fri., April 29
Riverview Middle School (Bay Point): Tue., April 26
El Dorado Middle School (Concord): Wed., May 4
Foothill Middle School (Walnut Creek): Wed., May 4
Walnut Creek Intermediate School: Tue., May 17
Valley View Middle School (Pleasant Hill): Wed., May 18
Edna Hill Middle School (Brentwood): Tue., May 24

Black Diamond Middle School (Antioch): Wed., May 25

2016 Participating High Schools:

Heritage High School (Brentwood): Thu., May 5

2016 Bike to School Event Photos:

(Click any photo to enlarge)

Fitting a Helmet

Brochure: How to Fit a Helmet (English) (Spanish)

Bike Safety Checklist: For Parents & Children

[For Parents] Helping Your Child Be a Safe Bicyclist
[For Kids] Ride Your Bike Safely

Helping Your Child Be a Safe Cyclist   Riding Your Bike Safely



Bike to Work Day is a promotional event to encourage the use of a bicycle instead of a car.

cal-red-02Add Bike To Work Day to your calendar:
iCalendar  •  Google Calendar  •  Outlook

About Bike To Work Day

On Thursday, May 12, there will be over 400 Energizer Stations throughout the San Francisco Bay Area where cyclists can stop by for refreshments and promotional items.
511 Contra Costa has supported cyclists and Energizer Station hosts throughout Contra Costa County since 2001 using Bay Area Air Quality Management District funds and the Contra Costa Transportation Authority’s half-cent sales tax for transportation funds.

Bike Commuter of the Year (BCOY)

BCOY Eric Odell 2015Bike Commuter of the Year (BCOY) award recipients are recognized for their dedication to riding their bike for everyday transportation. They are a testament to the many benefits of bicycle commuting: from improving their health to bringing families together. Nominations are accepted, evaluated and awarded by each county’s Bike to Work Day representative. Learn about 2015 BCOY award winners and their inspiring stories and see past winners from 2008-2014.
Nominate someone you know for Bike Commuter of the Year! The deadline for nominations is April 4.

tbc-logo team bike challenge btwdTeam Bike Challenge & Company Bike Challenge

Ask your friends, colleagues and neighbors to form a team with you and pedal your way to a greener, healthier and happier commute while earning points and medals! There are big prizes to be had in both Challenges, plus it’s a fun and easy way to see just how much biking does for your health, budget and the environment.

Need help planning your route?

511 Contra Costa’s Bike Mapper is the innovative and open bicycle mapping system specially designed to find flat, most direct, or fastest routes anywhere in Contra Costa County.  Read more about the 511CC Interactive Bike Mapper here, or check out our selection of free paper and online bike maps.

Contra Costa County Energizer Station Map

Coming Soon

Contra Costa County Energizer Station List

PM hours in bold

  • Iron Horse Trail at the Alamo Trail Head, 7:00-10:00 am, RPM Mortgage




  • Monument Corridor Trail across from Mohr Ln at Monument Blvd, 7:00-10:00 am & 4:00-7:00 pmCity of Concord/AssetMark
  • Front of 1371 Detroit Ave (Meadow Homes Elementary School), 7:30-8:30 am, Monument Impact
  • Front of 1135 Lacey Ln (Cambridge Elementary School), 7:30-8:30 am, Monument Impact
  • Outside Academic Services Lobby (Cal State East Bay Concord), 7:30-9:00 am & 4:30-6:00 pmCal State East Bay Concord
  • Meadow Homes Park at the corner of Detroit Ave & Sunshine Dr, 3:30-5:30 pmMonument Impact

El Cerrito

El Sobrante



  • Martinez AMTRAK, 5:15-9:30 am, Richard A.
  • Bottom of Benicia Bridge, 3:30-6:30 pm, Richard A.




Pleasant Hill


San Pablo

San Ramon

Walnut Creek

Contra Costa County has 33 Energizer Stations this yearWant to Host an Energizer Station?

If you are interested in volunteering for Bike to Work Day or hosting an Energizer Station in Contra Costa County, please contact us!  Find other Bay Area Energizer Station coordinator contacts here.

A big THANK YOU to our local Energizer Station hosts!

Coming Soon

Bike to Work Day 2015: Celebrate After Work in Concord – 5:30-8:30pm

Bike to Work Day 2015 LogoOn Bike to Work Day, reward yourself for commuting by bicycle with an after-work street party in Concord!
The Bike to Work Day Celebration will be on Salvio Street between Grant and Mount Diablo Streets from 5:30 to 8:30pm. There will be live music, games and face painting for kids, as well as educational booths about biking and safety.
At the Celebration, County Supervisor Karen Mitchoff will deliver a countywide Bike to Work Day Resolution on behalf of the Board of Supervisors. In addition, Bike Concord will provide free bike repair  and EJ Phair will generously donate 10% of food and drink proceeds when patrons mention Bike Concord or Bike East Bay.
For help mapping your bike ride to work, try using the 511CC Bike Mapper. To locate morning and afternoon Bike to Work Day Energizer Stations, click here.

Bike to Work Day 2015: Exciting Energizer Stations – Coffee, Giveaways & More

Bike to Work Day is almost here! Whether you’re already committed to riding or need a tiny bit more motivation, we’ve got the lowdown on Energizer Stations that should not be missed!
Bike to Work Day logoAntioch
• Deer Valley Rd & Wellness Way (Kaiser Permanente Antioch Medical Center) – 6:30-9:30 am: Giving away free bike bells!
Pleasant Hill
• Contra Costa Canal Trail at Gregory Lane – 7:30-8:45 am & 4-6 pm: Raffle to win a $25 gift certificate towards a fitness or dance class with Pleasant Hill Parks & Recreation.
• Pleasant Hill BART Station (near bike racks) – 6:30-9 am: Free bike tune-ups, Peet’s Coffee, bagels & schmear and other snacks.
San Ramon
• Iron Horse Trail at Bollinger Canyon Rd – 6-10 am: East Bay Regional Park District will be giving away free bike bells!
Walnut Creek
• Walnut Creek BART Station (near fare gates) – 6-9 am: Free bike-tune ups!
• Iron Horse Trail/Canal Trail Intersection Energizer Station – 6:30-9:30 am: Free Starbucks Coffee and bike bells!
• Iron Horse Trail/Canal Trail Intersection Energizer Station – 4-7 pm: Make your own slushy on a bike-blender! (weather permitting)

Seniors: Free Clipper Cards & Transportation Options – April 28, 2015 in Livermore

Senior Clipper CardSeniors and disabled persons in the Livermore area who are interested in transportation services or a free Senior Clipper Card, and instruction on how to use it, are invited to attend an event on Tuesday, April 28 in Livermore.
Free Senior Clipper Cards will be issued at the event, and attendees will receive instruction on how to use the cards on buses and trains. In addition, BART, Wheels bus (LAVTA) and Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) will be present to explain discounts available with Senior Clipper Cards and give information on transportation services that exist for seniors and the disabled.
The event will be held on Tuesday, April 28 from 10am until noon in the Palo Verde Room at the Livermore Community Center, located at 4444 East Avenue in Livermore. If you cannot attend, you can get information on discounts and apply for a Senior Clipper Card at

Rancho Medanos Junior High School: Bike & Roll to School – April 29, 2015

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 2.14.34 PM
Rancho Medanos Junior High School parents & students, it’s time to get ready to Bike and Roll to School!
As a lead-up to National Bike to School Day on May 6, Street Smarts Diablo is teaming up with Contra Costa middle schools for a series of individual Bike & Roll to School events. On April 29, Rancho Medanos Junior High School students will be accepting the challenge to get to school on wheels by riding their bikes, skateboards and scooters!
To celebrate the challenge, Street Smarts Diablo will have some free helmets on hand to provide to Rancho Medanos Junior High School students who arrive to school with wheels and need a properly fitting helmet. Parents are welcome to bring students’ bikes to school by car, so that any child starting the day without a helmet can get to school and roll home safely.
Motorists are reminded to drive with extra care and be especially aware of school zone speed limits and children walking and biking to and from school on Wednesday, April 29, particularly around the vicinity of Rancho Medanos Junior High School in Pittsburg (West Leland Rd, Range Road and surrounding streets).

Overnight/Early Morning Hwy 24 Lane Closures – April 19 & 20, 2015 (Lafayette)

Caltrans has scheduled lane closures along eastbound State Route 24, between Acalanes Road and Oak Hill Road, from Sunday April 19 at 9pm to Monday, April 20 at 8am. This work is in preparation for a slope stability project in that area.
Motorists are advised to expect delays and allow extra time for their commute. Please drive with caution through the construction zone.
For more information about the slope stability construction project, please visit the project webpage.