DIY Traffic Counting Device Brings Transportation Planning to Public | 511 Contra Costa

DIY Traffic Counting Device Brings Transportation Planning to Public

Note: TrafficCOM is now known as WayCount.
Are you curious to know how weather affects the number of people that use the new bike lane in the neighborhood? Or how traffic patterns change during summer break? Anecdotal observations are useful in finding the answer to these questions but sometimes nothing compares to having data at hand.Getting the data just got a little easier with the arrival of TrafficCOM – a device available to the public that counts and monitors the speed and rate of traffic.
This is of course not a groundbreaking device, similar devices have existed for years but TrafficCOM is special because it is accessible and simple to use.
According to TrafficCOM’s website at only $140, the product costs about 1/10th the price of the least expensive comparable product. TrafficCOM also allows users to seamlessly upload and map their latest traffic count data and make it instantly available to anyone online.
Uploading and mapping 78 minutes worth of data from counting northbound automobile traffic. Screen grab via: TrafficCOM
With this device residents can collect traffic data and share it with city staff much like SeeClick Fix, which relies upon the public to point out public works issues so local staff  can be made aware of issues and resolve them in a timely manner.
A word of caution though, you may want to check with your local city planning or traffic engineering department prior to laying down the cord across the road!
TrafficCOM in action, counting bicycle traffic on a new bidirectional bike path in New York City. Screen grab via: TrafficCOM

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