Don't Get Struck by the Strike: Check Out Your Many BART Alternatives | 511 Contra Costa

Don't Get Struck by the Strike: Check Out Your Many BART Alternatives

Carpool…Casually by pulling up to a curb and picking someone up at a casual carpool location. Unless otherwise arranged all carpools from the East Bay drop passengers at Fremont and Howard streets–or nearby–in downtown San Francisco.  Check out our extensive list of casual carpool locations.
Find a vanpool to join at Once you do, sign up for the 511 Contra Costa vanpool incentive providing 50% off for three consecutive months.
Take the Bus
Since you will probably only be able to drive as fast as the local bus, give it a try. County Connection, Tri Delta Transit, or WestCAT.
Take the Ferry
May want to take a reverse commute to access the Vallejo Ferry with service to San Francisco.
Work from home perhaps just one day a week. Write your reports, read your mail or reports – doesn’t have to required heavy computer connections.
Flex Your Schedule
Come in early or late – avoid the peak commute hours. Work 4 10-hour days and avoid commuting altogether one day a week.
Take the BART Express Bus From Walnut Creek Bart to Downtown San Francisco
Details are being worked out. Visit for more updated info.
Muni has added Casual Carpooling departure points between 3 and 7 p.m. M-F in downtown SF.
Take the Lynx Express Bus From Hercules to Downtown San Francisco
WestCAT is providing service from the Hercules Transit Center.
Now is a fine time to ride your bike if you work and live in Contra Costa. Need help planning your route? Give us a call at 925-969-1083.
Need fuel for your ride?  Have some coffee on us!

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