Nice And Clear: New Bay Area Transit Information (2013) | 511 Contra Costa

Nice And Clear: New Bay Area Transit Information (2013)

Look for this next time you’re in a downtown San Francisco BART station. Screen grab via MTC
The Metropolitan Transportation Commission recently installed new information centers including street maps, schedules, transfer info, and large LCD screens with real-time departures on sidewalls at the Civic Center, Montgomery, and Embarcadero BART stations in San Francisco. The sleek, highly-visible updated information centers are part of the MTC’s Transit Connectivity Plan to make the Bay Area’s public key transit hubs more friendly to users. The new information centers are clear and intuitive but the most welcoming feature is undoubtedly the live screens with real-time transit arrival information. Now riders can tell at a mere glance whether they should rush to catch their train, or whether they have time to grab a cup of coffee– no more running down to the platform simply because you hear a train arriving.
The new information centers are indicated by, and signed to, large orange circles with an “i” for information (see the picture at the top of this post) and twelve additional BART stations are slated to receive the same addition by summer 2013.
See the MTC’s video below that explains the phasing in of these new information centers and see what the already installed ones look like:

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