What do you like to do on transit? Take this brief survey for a chance to win cash prizes! | 511 Contra Costa

What do you like to do on transit? Take this brief survey for a chance to win cash prizes!

What do YOU like to do on transit?


The Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Davis is conducting a study on “travel multi-tasking,” or doing other activities while traveling. Whether you work or sit back and do nothing, we want your opinions! Click here to take the survey, or read below for more information.

Who can participate?

Anyone who commutes and is 18 or older.


Everyone who returns a completed survey will be entered into a drawing for cash prizes of $300, $200, $100, and eight $25 restaurant gift cards.

How long will the survey take?

The survey should take about 35 minutes to complete.


The information you give us can help policymakers and transportation providers develop services that are more responsive to your needs and desires.


Please complete the survey by November 30, 2011.


Reports will be posted at http://pubs.its.ucdavis.edu/ as they become available.

Take the survey:

  1. Online: http://contra.questionpro.com
  2. You may request a paper version of the survey by calling (toll-free) 1-888-765-1124 or sending an e-mail, with “Paper survey request” as the subject, to Amanda Neufeld at ajneufeld@ucdavis.edu.


If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact Prof. Patricia Mokhtarian at plmokhtarian@ucdavis.edu, or Ms. Amanda Neufeld at 1-888-765-1124 or ajneufeld@ucdavis.edu.
Photo by neiltron

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