Dump the Pump 2011 Photo Contest | 511 Contra Costa

Dump the Pump 2011 Photo Contest

Gas is expensive. In other news, water is wet…
Seriously though, gas is expensive. Californians are buying less of it, but many of us still need a car to get around sometimes, and use BART and public transportation when we can.
If this describes you (drives sometimes, BARTs sometimes), we’ve got a photo contest for you! Hurry though – the deadline to enter is Monday, July 11.
From BART:

To enter this contest, upload a photo of yourself at the gas station, and either a painfully high price-per-gallon or an infuriating fill-up total. To qualify, your photo submission MUST be a photo of you (preferrably showing us how you really feel about those gas prices), and MUST clearly identify a gas pump or gas station surrounding. Three winners will be selected at random to receive $500, $250 or $100 in BART tickets, respectively.

Click here to post your picture online!
BART graciously designed the application so you can browse the other submission. Here are some of our favorites, but they’re really worth checking out. Who knew expensive gas brought out a sense of humor in people?
I call this one “Tiny, angry Hulk in a gray, gray world.”
She looks like she wants to hulk out and rearrange the numbers. Which would be awesome. With those numbers she could bring it down to… $0.33?
This one most closely resembles how I feel about buying gas. I just want it to be over with. I never plan for it, which is why I get down to a quarter of a tank so many times by surprise. Then I have to buy gas in a hurry, and find out it’s more expensive than the last time I checked!
The best part of this one (other than how it reminds me of my dad) is that the advertisement at the pump glorifies driving for driving’s sake. Sure, motorcycles are fun, and many are much more fuel efficient than cars. But shouldn’t we start thinking about some cheaper hobbies?
That open road was a lot more inviting when gas wasn’t $4 a gallon, wasn’t it?

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