Peer to Peer Bike Share Hits the Bay | 511 Contra Costa

Peer to Peer Bike Share Hits the Bay

Public bikesharing programs are sweeping cities coast to coast as part of the growing revival of bicycling for transportation in the U.S. Here in the San Francisco Bay Area, cities like San Francisco are pushing for these kind of popular programs and there is even talk of a Bay Area wide bikeshare program to make the service more accessible and seamless to the public for their daily needs, whether it be to get to a meeting, a doctor’s appointment, the bank or cafe’.
DC Capital Bikeshare
A DC Capital Bikeshare station in Arlington Virginia. Photo credit: James D. Schwartz
Bikeshare is also a great service for those that might just need a bike for a short period like visitors and tourists. Oftentimes when we travel great distances we do so by plane or train which means we arrive at our destinations without a ready way to get around the city we’re visiting. Bikeshare provides a cheap, accessible way to get around.
So what if you’re curious to get a taste of a bikeshare experience but can’t wait for a city sanctioned program to get off the ground here in the Bay? Well, lucky you– the New York City based website Spinlister that helps coordinate peer to peer bikesharing just arrived in the Bay Area!
Maybe you have a bike, or several bikes that you’d be willing to loan for a day, or week? Much like peer to peer carsharing, Spinlister offers an opportunity for you to make money off your spare or seldom used bike(s) when you don’t need or use it.
Sounds like a win-win doesn’t it? If you feel like you could benefit from a peer to peer bike share, check out Spinlister or read more about Spinlister in this recent a 7×7 SF article.

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