Yarnbombing BART | 511 Contra Costa

Yarnbombing BART

Have you seen this on BART?
“Yarnbombing” is a form of removable graffiti, meant to be more fun than political. One BART rider decided to cheer up her ride with a customizer seat cozy.

I had been riding the Bart train to no where a lot lately , measuring the seats repeatedly , making little drawings, taking pictures , draping bits of knitting here and there . A knitted cover for a Bart seat had seemed like a brilliant idea 4 weeks ago-such a witty comment on the collapsing state of the Bart seats . How hard could it be ?
I had been knitting furiously all day and all month . I had knit relentlessly all through our vacation much to my partners surprise . I had knit all the pieces when I noticed they were all curling up into little snails . Knitting curling at the edges ! I knew about this but I had forgotten because I sew everything I knit onto poles. So I had to very determinedly knit flat borders all around each piece . And figure how the heck to make round corners.

Read the whole post here.
This yarnbomber claims creations on bike racks and poles in Berkeley, Orinda, Palo Alto, and more. Have you spotted a yarn bomb? What do you think?

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